Monday, July 8, 2024

Government, Real Estate & Ease of Killing Business!





“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.”
― Peter F. Drucker

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
― Benjamin Franklin

Two quotes from two great men coming from the same country & though they are from different fields yet they represent a country which has always stood by innovation & trade (read as business) & that’s why their views match & this is why USA is considered as the Land of Opportunities by the entire world! Peter Drucker is business guru while Mr Franklin was President of USA i.e. govt by himself & here is where our country (read as State) lags a way behind from USA as when it comes to business & promoting it, all we know is how not to do it & then make a cry over why businesses go away from our State or how Maharashtrian youths (even grownups) don’t have courage for business! While reason is, no business can grow on its own unless you make right policies for the same, it’s like nourishing a plant in proper way if you want to make a big tree out of it but who will tell this to our Mai Baap govt which only thinks about their vote bank & is fool enough to kill both i.e. vote bank & the business! And worst hit by Govt’s attitude is real estate (keeping full sympathy with Agriculture to manufacturing industries & yes education too) because reason is simple, any announcement (read as policy) against real estate business makes you popular as it’s taken as you have punished the second most hated community (don’t ask me who is the first) in the society that is, the builders!

If you thinking one more sharing about real estate & problems its facing then you are not wrong & by you not reading ahead won’t change the scene but don’t forget it’s this industry which gives employment to probably maximum people & that too, to the unskilled people, who or else would have got rejected from any other industry & yes, it does makes homes also for the people in this very society which is one of the basic need of human beings! Oh & lastly, in the process it’s not just the builders but many segments including the govt, make money & that’s what business is about! Agreed, the past wasn’t good or ethical for real estate & only a few made too much money & many didn't but the real estate helped to survive many, is also a fact which the poor real estate industry itself doesn’t ever understand, & kept on taking hits from all others for decades! Here, some industrialist which is from manufacturing industry spends hundreds plus crores of rupees on a family event & that’s glorified by the entire media & none of the politicians utters a word about it as the guy is from so called respected industry & he has made money by creating jobs & making share market happy but when a builder buys even a luxury car, it’s by cheating people! This is what wrong policies & attitude of the govt can do to any industry, is my subject of sharing! If you think I am exaggerating then take a look at these so-called policies by the govt recently about real estate…

Point 1. In the on-going assembly session of the State, the govt announced that the projects which are built in Pune (applicable for any town), respective builders will have to supply the water & take care of drainage for the residents in these projects spending from builders’ pocket! Wow, this means, if there is no petrol available then Tata & Bajaj will fill the tanks of their sold cars & bikes, spending from their pockets, right? As well, if there are no hospitals around then the builder will spend for medical treatment of the residents in such projects, am I right? And it’s the govt (may it be any dept or public body) which sanctions these projects charging for every sq ft of area built to the builder for the infrastructure & then collects money from the flat buyers via registration of these homes & then charges property tax also is supposed to provide all the infra & not just water or drainage, but nobody asks to govt why it can’t provide infrastructure when it's taking money for that! And what I felt sad (angry too) is, this statement was made by a minister whom we highly respects for his experience & knowledge as well Hon High Court also has mentioned in its ruling that water, drainage & roads has to be provided to any development by the local body only, yet such statement has been made by the govt! And to add the salt on the wound, the govt also said it will ask RERA to amend so, in the agreement draft so the builders can’t transfer this responsibility of water & drainage which local public bodies put on the builders, what is this way of dealing with some industry, to threaten them with a governing body; what’s next, send ED & CBI behind builders to make them provide water, drainage & roads to their projects, sorry for sarcasm but that’s how news media has printed it, not me! And maybe this thing won’t stand in the long term by law, yet the confusion & misunderstanding it has created among the flat buyers against their builders, who will be going to clear that mess! As the movement of such news has been out builders are flooded with calls from their flat holders & sure knowing the present trend of clients, they all move to RERA as well judicially as the govt itself has said their builder will provide water! Instead, what was expected from the Hon Minister & the govt is, an assurance that they will look in the water issue & make funds available to the local body for the network of water lines all across the areas where the Development Plan shows residential as well developable zones & a time bound program to do so, as this is the job of local body (read as govt only), that is, Ease of Doing Business!

Point 2. Here, if a road is going through your property (land) you are developing then the local body won’t pay you compensation in the form of money(usually) as it doesn’t have & gives you TDR in lieu of that but joke is you have to pay the local body for road making while you hand over your land under the road! Such a policy, I can only compare to Dawari (Dahej) as you are giving your daughters hand to someone & have to pay to that someone & this is a crime by law, but this is a govt policy for real estate! With repeated applications or petitions there is no action by any boss about this. And agreed, the local body (PMC/PCMC) needs money but for that to open up new avenues & make the sanctioning system transparent & make better infra all around the city so more area will be available for development creating more revenue for the city, that is Ease of Doing Business!

Point 3.TDR concept has been bought by govt as it don’t have money to acquire lands in prime places in the city so it’s like currency but its utilization is governed by local body (read as govt only), means, you are deciding that you will buy my commodity & will pay you only in hundred rupees notes but when I go to buy something with those notes you will say you will have to pay by five hundred rupees notes only! What kind of policies are these as if I am a builder then let me decide which type of TDR I want to utilize & to what extent, that’s how businesses are run! Best will be squash out categories of TDR & make one straight scale where every type of TDR will be considered as one & let the developer decide which TDR he wants to utilize as anyways govt is going to get money on the development out of it but this way the growth will be faster which will be boon for the public body & the city also, that’s Ease of Doing Business.

Point 4. You want to make Metro then do it but why make its impact on the planning of the projects by making absurd rules along Metro corridor which only becomes hassle for the development, as take example of sizes of the flats in the Metro corridor where rates are skyrocketing & who will live in 60 sq m flat here & how we are going to accommodate parking for these increased numbers. As well over-loading existing infra of central part of the city! At the same time utilization of TOD (One more FSI/ TDR or Paid FSI type) & restrictions on it, why can’t there be a simple one paid FSI throughout the city, that will be Ease of Doing Business!

Point 5. Collecting numbers of documents for every sanction & completion of a project. Right from fresh 7/12 which is an ownership document to demarcation (Sarakari Mojani) to property tax to zoning (one more joke) to fire NOC to Aviation NOC, you name it, as smallest of building proposal is not possible without it. And then there are certificates from structural consultants, lawyers, affidavits from builders about water supply, drainage, road, thanks God the govt is not asking that builders will provide clean air to inhale, at his cost to the residents, the list is unending. Agreed these may be different depts’ but why does the sanctioning authority does all this such as  to collect all these documents when the State govt proudly claims, everything is online as that will save lots of time for sanctioning which will be in benefit of the city also, that is Ease of Doing Business!

Well, there are many more such as calling excavated material for foundation as Khanij (minerals) which is a big joke & there are many such jokes in real estate industry (read as with real estate industry) & I can give hundreds of examples but you will stop reading so, I will stop here. Trust me, I am not complaining as indeed, every business has its own problems with the system, my point is, do we want to accept those problems, as then only we can make steps together to solve those problems which is not happening with real estate & doing that, is Ease of Doing Business! I accept this also, for decades real estate was unorganized sector & the so-called builders has used wrong (read as illegal) practices to make money but now you have got RERA & this is new era where clients are not that fool & supply is also enough that clients have choice to choose at their will & nobody can force a lie on any client of real estate! Rather, the govt must become a partner to the real estate (which by revenue wise it is) & jointly work for making the policies in such way that the business will grow, the people will get their homes & in the process city (read as govt) will also have revenue, that is Ease of Doing Business. But unfortunately, in the reality the way things are going on, there will be policies & announcements but no builders to build the homes with those policies, & entire city will become an illegal slum & that will be a perfect Killing of Business, mind it Mai Baap Govt, adios with this warning!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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