Thursday, September 5, 2024

Other Side of a Bhai!



“The lawyer with the briefcase can steal more money than the man with the gun.”
― Mario Puzo

“Crime is always a faster way to your destination, if at all you survive to reach there.”

― Eoin Colfer

Crime & criminal’s lives have always been the subject of fascination in our society as we all secretly have a dark side within is a fact acknowledged by psychology also! And that’s why when this short (well, lol) or say brief sharing about crime news in our Safe City Pune, then first quote writer doesn’t need any introduction than he is writer of “The Godfather” & another name, whose quote fits so perfectly for the subject is Colfer, an Irish author of children's books. He worked as a primary school teacher before he became a full-time writer. He is best known for being the author of the Artemis Fowl series. No wonder Colfer being a teacher & story writer for kids could pen down exactly my feelings about crime & criminals! Mr Puzo, wrote Godfather & Marlin Brando (who played it on screen) took crime to new high about which I have already written & I do admit I am great admirer of Godfather’s philosophy about life & work, not its use or application, let me be clear! The reason for this sharing is, sudden increase or say rise in the crimes & crime news which may not be an organized crimes as per police yet a murder is a murder & a theft is a theft & all such acts are crime & they are bad for the society, means bad for any business here! And the more alarming aspect of all these crimes is, participation of minors or youngsters, making things difficult for the police & many of the youngsters are not on record as criminals! Here, many readers won’t understand the term “on record criminals” which we all must be reading in the newspaper or media but what it actually means is, whenever police catch/ arrest any criminal in relation to any crime then his/ her name along with all the details gets into the police database. So, whenever any crime happens then the police's first suspect is on the names from the database with matching crime & criminal involved & they are called for inquiry, in parallel to the investigation of that crime. In short, now you are tagged as a criminal i.e. you are on police record!  But recently the criminals involved in many crimes are not on record, means they don’t have any criminal history as well as being minors i.e. under the age of 18 years, makes it difficult for police to detain them or say they don’t have fear of long-term jail, by the law provisions for the minors! And it’s in a way true, this must have done to give second chance to the kids or say youngsters in case they are involved in crime but unfortunately this is being used as a shield against punishment & many professional criminals are appointing/ engaging minors for their crimes, taking advantage police’s limitations to take action on under aged criminals, is what made me feel like writing this piece!

Many readers will think, what I have to do or how I can be an authority on such subject & why I am showing my Gyan leaving my standard territory of writing i.e. Wildlife (read as tdaoba) or Real Estate but I am writing this just to make aware society at large the threat this aspect of life poses for our entire future & business as well as day to day life too! As, police are not Gods neither they can be everywhere or can make criminals take right path of life, that’s not their job as police’s job is to control crime, to detect crimes & bring the criminals in to the court of justice but need of time is to make these youngsters refrain from taking the path of crime, which is the biggest challenge police dept is facing & each of us must try to support them is what purpose of my sharing!

Reasons for more & more youngsters becoming criminals may be many but one main reason is fascination or glorification of crime & criminals is a fact & that each of us can contribute a lot to make the youths aware about hollowness or harsh truth behind that glory!  Right from Bhai (popular term of a local bad man or say criminal) being followed by group of men to his carefree daredevil attitude to his hoardings/ cutouts on his birthdays to his gold ornaments clad photos on social media, to his closeness with political figures & dark glassed SUVs,’ many such things attract the youngsters to become a Bhai! And most importantly the Bhai don’t have to study or appear for any exam neither he has to work 10 am to 7 am on someone’s orders, that's the main reason for fascination of Bhai & even police are friendly with the Bhai! So, why to join the rat race of JEE, NEET or attend schools, get compared with other studying fools by our parents & in the end work in some office where you don’t get any respect, right? This easy respect & good life is the main reason, many youths want to become a Bhai instead of becoming an engineer or manager or even a skilled worker, is my subject of sharing! This is where we ignore Puzo’s quote, where sarcastically he tells his men a learned lawyer can be a more dangerous criminal but for that one has to study hard, which you don’t have to for becoming a Bhai!  But every coin has another side & it's this other side of the coin named Bhai which made me write a letter to the Police Chief as that I feel is my support to not just the police but to the entire society, so do read the letter I am sharing below…


Ms Rashmi Shukla Madam, IPS,

DG, Maharashtra Police.

“End of a Bhai !” 

Sub: Suggestion about creating awareness in youngsters not to join criminal activities.

Respected Madam,

I am writing this from Pune & of late we all are aware of crimes happening in the city & increased participation of minors i.e. boys (mainly) who are below the age of 18 years, in those crimes, which is a matter of concern not just for Police but for entire society! I won't go into the details of other reasons why more such youths are taking crime as their career but one main reason is, social media hype or admiration & false respect by the locals, you get for becoming a Bhai! As well the image of a Bhai portrayed in movies such as Bhikhu Mhatre in Satya & recently Nanya Bhai in Mulshi Pattern, is also something we can't ignore & we can't stop that, is too a fact behind the fascination of youths about the Bhais'!

This fascination part, we can tackle by making a series of case studies (social media posts) with pictures of local bhais who once has been respected or feared by the locals but end of any such Bhai can happen eventually in either of three ways only, it ends in jail or get encountered by police or get murdered by a rival gang! What social media or any movie doesn’t show is, what happens to the family of such Bhai after he dies or goes in jail, that is what we must showcase to the youths, as Mulshi Pattern glorified Nanya Bhai but in the movie itself Nanya Bhai gets murdered in his own birthday party in mid-forties & then nobody even asks how his wife & kids survived after that! Same way, when a Bhai goes to jail then how his parents or other siblings are looked down by the society, no social media post shows neither any gangster movie scripts have such chapter in it, right? This is what Police can do & association like Credai can help to promote these creatives  & we can even ask some reputed production house to make  a two minute film on this scrip & make it compulsory to show in all cinema halls as well on the OTT platforms as these youths gets carried away with what they see & the actual sad ending side of a Bhai's life must be shown to them which will definitely help to make many kids move away from the path of crime, is what I strongly believe so dared to write you! 

Sharing this letter also with a few of my friends in our dept as somewhere someone can think better & act for the cause before it’s too late! As an individual & as an association, I will be happy to assist for the cause!

Warm regards

Sanjay Deshpande


Friends, crime was, is & will be inherent part of our society point is, will we allow the crime to win or the goodness as even in Marvel/ Disney movies goodness always wins at the end but only after fighting a hard battle with the darkness(read as criminals) & here we are talking about real life, as its your future is at stake & darkness is always waiting for the opportunity to strike beyond the brightness of any goodness, mind it; adios with this note!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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