Monday, September 2, 2024

Kolkata, Badlapur, Kerala & Maharaj!



“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and mobs, it is the rule.”
 Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German classical scholar, philosopher, and critic of culture, who became one of the most influential of all modern thinkers. And when it’s something related to society at large & its behaviour pattern some names, you can’t miss out on their words of wisdom (only if you want to listen) & Nietzsche is one such! A typical German name, difficult to even pronounce in our Indian tongue yet what he has written is applicable to all, that’s wisdom, unbounded by any boundaries & irony is his own country displayed his words in the worst possible way few years later in the form of following Hitler & his fascism! Why I remembered his above words is because of the subjects (read as incidences) which are not just making headlines but I have refrained myself from not writing on any of such headlines & reasons are two, one is best way for such incidences is not to speak of discuss about them & let their flame die on its own & second is, at present whatever you say or write you are immediately tagged as some party (political) or some religion or some fraternity, irrespective of what you feel & that’s exactly I didn’t want to happen! Yet, sometimes you (read as Me) write for myself as to speak is very easy as you can say you didn’t mean what you have said or your words has been misinterpreted but that’s not the case when you write & that’s why no celebrity (who cares) or our leaders never write anything, not even on files they check, as it’s the officers who signs the files thus ensuring safety of the leaders (political)! And from twitter or insta or FB (old school) you can delete your post, only after the effect of what you want to say has happened, but to write a blog or few paras’ needs understanding not just of the subject but of your own mindset as then only you can write with clarity!

I am not justifying my writing but whatever I have written ahead is my own analysis for my mind’s satisfaction as well for my younger genre which is going to face a lot harder times than mine! Joke is, most elders (I too am now) always think rather believe, their life was much harder than the present younger lot & today’s young ones don’t have to fight or struggle in the hard way which we (elders) have to fight! I differ strongly especially after reading, listening, watching what is happening around in the society, I feel my generation was/ is extremely lucky & my fight is nothing in comparison with what my kids or their kids are going to face, & to make them understand what lies ahead I am writing this piece! Why I am saying so, well, read ahead as recently on my school friends WhatsApp group a heated argument was going on about political parties, caste, reservations & agendas of the parties & as usual the discussion went on personal level which further deteriorated to one friend saying “I will file police complaint, who is with me” & second friend saying, “Do whatever you want to do, I am ready to come to any police station”! I knew nothing would pacify the argument yet I wrote, “guys, have we forgotten why we all are in this group! When some forty years back we were sitting on one bench (broken) we used to adjust the balance of the bench by accommodating each other’s, we used to eat from one dabba, we never asked rather we didn’t know what was cast or religion of the boy sitting next to me but I do know whether he was poor or doing good, his family situation, his needs, & we used to help each other in whatever little capacity we could! That time also there were heated arguments & occasional physical fights too, but nobody even used to take each other to teachers or parents leave apart from the police station & at the end of the day we used to head to our homes as friends! And now look where we have reached, today we all can afford to buy individual benches as our kids don’t have to share a broken bench in the school or college but they have forgotten to balance that bench by accommodating their friends the way they are & reason is we are the grownups!  This is why future of today’s younger generation is way harder than ours as we have never required to fight with our friends for our survival neither we have to choose our friends on basis of his or her status or caste or religion or gender but these kids are needed to do so & we are forcing them to do so, making their future dark, is my subject of sharing!

And to share this there are four incidences (many actually) which stole the lime light recently, first a lady doctor got raped (well, a Gents never gets raped in this society, that’s destiny of a lady only so need not have to mention a lady doctor, yet I did) in a hospital while she was on duty & brutally murdered post rape, by a war boy or say assistant in the hospital. In a girl’s school, two girls got molested (they were so young that rape seems improbable word) by the helper in the school. In movie industry, few leading actresses claimed about the sexual harassment they have to face in the industry from the reputed names. And lastly, the statue of Shivaji Maharaj falls down only in eight months after its inauguration! Now you will say, what’s logic or connection with all these as the lady doctor became victim of rape in Kolkata city in W. Bengal State while the school girls were molested in Badlapur, a suburb of Thane in Maharashtra State & the movie actresses are from Kerala Movie Industry while Maharaj’s statue fall down in Malvan fort in Konkan part of our State. That way every incident has happened thousands of kilometres away from each other yet they all are connected with each other on few fronts which is my subject of sharing. As in all these incidents, the public cry which got erupted was something nobody has expected, in a country where lawlessness is displayed with pride, wrongful behaviour (read as indecent) with women is not uncommon & please read carefully, I haven’t said such behaviour as right, as well falling of a statue, well, in last few months in Bihar State alone nearly fifteen plus bridges has collapsed & so has collapsed even part of a newly built international airport in Delhi, our National Capitol, yet nobody has been so serious or agitated, then why on all above incidents? Rather in Badlapur & Kolkata matter, the public came on road & all life of the cities got stopped, such was the numbers on roads & all these were faceless, which later political parties took charge of, as usual! Another common aspect in these incidents was the mob was hailbent of deciding the involved people guilty & wanted to hang them, though in statute case if demand was not to hang but to punish them without a trial i.e. verdict has been given by the people & punishment also!

On top of it in a recent conclave Hon Justice Mr Abhay Oak has said that to give justice is the job of only the Judiciary, means the public must not decide that & he is right! But the agitation was about the system & its ineffectiveness of protecting the victims in the first place & later in delivering the timely justice, which has made the mob behave in this way, is something we all must take in consideration, is my subject of sharing! Imagine what would have happened had the culprits involved in above incidents had got in the hands of such mob, we would have to find their body parts also for sure, such was the anguish & though I am not a judge to say the reaction was right or wrong, yet its high time to control this behaviour or else the day is not far away where such eruptions will follow all around the country & over smallest of the incidents, is my subject of sharing!  Interestingly, post all this drama a judicial reformation meet is going on in our capital of which all top brass of judicially is involved & are our leaders. Why we are not seriously looking in the system of justice by which first the enforcement against crime will be ensured & second justice will be delivered in time, is something beyond my imagination! As all the political parties, social workers NGOs’ which shouts & demands justice as well non-corrupt governance after such incidents, what are they doing before any such incident? Which political party in ruling or in oppositions has visited any govt hospital at night to check what are the security modes provided to a lone working girl there or who has visited a girls school & checked the measures taken for safety of girls there or spoken to the students about what problem they face or fear or who has stopped us to go & visit the place where Shivaji Maharaj’s statue was built & cheeked the conditions  & make it to the notice of the authority which could have avoided at least one of the above incidents, is my subject of sharing!

We are opportunists & we just feel happy or satisfied by pointing fingers after every mishap because we are not the victims in a direct way, that is the real problem of our society! Falling of a statue of a personality like Shivaji Maharaj is unacceptable in any case but what’s more concerning is, every day the values for which we warship Maharaj are getting murdered by most of us (mainly our leaders) & nobody utters a word about it! Shivaji was a king who kept his own son in prison for misbehaving with common man (no offense, that’s what the history says) & here our rulers (read as all parties) what they do is allowing their Sainiks (read as karyakartas) to trouble in every possible way to the common people, may it be a procession blocking the traffic or DJ with speaker walls in every chowk on any Jayanti or Punyatithi, or transferring honest officers under false cases just because they refused to follow their ruler’s wrong orders,  would Shivaji Maharaj has allowed such behaviour, ask this question to our leaders! Guys, indeed a statue falling in mere eight months after its Sthapana is a wrong thing but if we demand sorry form the rulers for this incident then why are not we demanding sorry for every rape case or misconduct with some actresses in some State from every concerned & beyond that, what we are doing to stop all such wrongness, is the question Shivaji Maharaj himself would have asked to each of us, mind it; adios with this note…!  


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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