Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Safe City , Real Estate & Pune !



Everybody needs a safe place, and it should be their home… Debbie Rowe

Dubai is a safe place, and I never came across anything to worry about… Mo Farah

Home is all about family. Families feeling safe and finding their safe place, which we call, a home... Noma Dumezweni

Three quotes from three people , Debbie is more known as Ex-Wife of the great MJ (Michle Jackson), Mo Farah is Britain's world champion athlete & Noma is Afro-British Actress yet when they speak about hope or city, the first thing they have said is a feeling of safeness & I am sure they may come from different parts of the world & represent different classes yet most of us will agree with them as what’s use if we don’t feel safe in a place where we take refuge every day! I know most of the readers must have guessed about the direction of this sharing & you can quit reading if you have lost the interest but it won’t get you away from the reality in which you are living & I know your reply, what’s use, nothing will change on which my answer is, indeed but shutting your eyes or sealing your mouth or closing your ear also won’t change anything! Ok, lets skip the philosophical debate aside & let’s come straight to the subject which dealt directly with the real estate of the city & I am sure you will be surprised as you might be thinking it’s about safety & crime & deteriorated civic law system etc etc & you are not wrong as both the things are directly connected with each other only thing is we are fool enough not to accept so!

As Debbie says, we all need a safe place which should be our Home & Mo Farah says, he feels safe in the Dubai city while Noma says, home is all about families & finding their safe place, so how you will correlate all these but via real estate, safety & the city (Pune in our case), right? There is a direct connection between safety which when applicable to city or a society is established via Law-Enforcement & real estate, as only the safe cities prosper & survives on the time scale is what history tells us but the problem with the history is, history on its own can’t do anything about changing the present, we the humans who can read the history has to do it by ourself! And on that front if we check our safe city’s recent past, the scene is changing fast as I remember in my younger days (which was just one & half decade back) to my clients (I am a civil engg & a builder too) that in Pune two women can come back home at midnight after watching the last show of the movie on their own by a two-wheeler or by rickshaw, this is the backbone of the city’s culture & trust me it was (still is) an important USP of Pune’s real estate (read as homes) as in compare to most cities in the country of this size resident used to feel safe on the roads here on any hour of the day but!

This but, is the reason for my sharing as if you read last one- or two-years head-lines in news, then death & fear seems to be two most common acquaintances of the citizens on the roads of this city, on any hour of the day & not just night! And if you don’t believe me then the infamous Porsche car accident (please google if don’t know) which took life of two aspiring careers on late hour of the night & if there are few some critics who are raising eyebrows over presence of these young ones on road at late hours then two days back, a pensioner (respectable citizen of the city) on his morning walk lost life to attack of gang of thugs for just few hundred rupees which they demanded from him for buying liquor which the gentleman refused & got hit in return & succumbed to the injuries! The very same gang later attacked two more residents nearby who later registered the complaint with police. Then you open up news-paper & every alternate day you will get to read vehicles parked on the roads getting vandalised by some local bhais’ waving koytas & rampuris (thankfully, not guns yet) around & claiming they are the boss of the locality. And if that’s not enough then every day there is news about road rage fights on the roads & someone getting beaten up badly for minor issues like overtaking or vehicles getting bruised with each other. And then there are deaths of pedestrians, two-wheelers in accidents which mostly are the outcome of lawless driving i.e. not following the basic rules of the traffic such as over speeding, jumping red signal driving in wrong direction of road & yes, by not wearing helmet too! Well, the death & fear doesn’t come just by these human ways in Pune but nowadays nature god also brings them up on the citizens & rain induced flooding along with trees (and hordings/ billboards) falling, are also making the people fear for their lives when on roads! Last but not least, if you think by avoiding going on the roads you can be protected then you are wrong, the worst enemy is unseen & cybercrimes are on rampant, emptying your pockets (read as accounts) by using your own cell phones & email accounts & yes there are sex or honey trap fear (and deaths) too, which mostly went unregistered due to obvious reasons!

Problem is not about the ways fear & death comes to you in this city, as any prospering city has its dark side which comes as a package deal of the prosperity; problem is, about our will to fight or stand against that darkness & keep it at its bay, which is or seems to be missing of-late in Pune! And on top of it we the citizens think by turning away from all these incidences we will be safe then we are fooling nobody else but our own self & the system (read as govt) has their own reasoning for all such incidences of death & fear on road or in our homes! About street crime scenes, Police says, they have less man-power & about cyber-crimes they have inadequate infrastructure to handle increased population & spread of the city. PMC/ PCMC i.e. public bodies are too busy in handling their political controls over these which is good for bureaucrats there & may it be road flooding or tree falling, the reason is, unpredictable heavy rains & the fear keeps spreading on all fronts of the societies. If all these are not enough then not just residents but the businesses here also are facing problems such as land grabbing too mathadi nuisance (contract labour unions) about which most people prefer to pay the money which is actually just extorsion than complaining to police, as they know (or believe) nothing will happen but more trouble for the business! At the same time everybody including the so-called leaders(read as especially the leaders) turns blind eye to illegal hording & cutouts dangerously hung along all the roads or the city, blocking footpaths & only after the respective event is gone then the local body makes a show-off of removing these hording, which are threat as well disturbance to citizens only!

And if you think only, these are the only crimes or botheration for the common citizen then wait for smallest of festival or some great person’s birthday or death anniversary (Punyatithi or Jayanti) & there are wall of speakers without which celebrations are incomplete & processions with DJ & Laser beams blocking traffic (which is already slow) & ear deafening sound! All these if you & me do is a crime but when any political or social party does it then the entire system is deaf & blind to register on its own such act as crime! I think after reading all this you must be thinking, well what’s new in it, we all know & experience this every day, but my question is, what are you going to do about it as that will decide your future which is directly tied up with the city's future, is my object of sharing! Especially the real estate guys (read as builders), because don’t think that you will keep making homes forever here & let the society burn around you as the fire will eventually engulf our industry also! Agreed, any businessman will say, what can I do about it & shall I not focus on my business than thinking on these issues which are not in my control or not my responsibility! My reply is, you are doing business in this city & you are citizen of this city & at least you as an individual as well as a group of businessmen can raise your voice over crimes & attitude behind them as well can offer support in every possible way to the system which we call govt as to name or shame or criticize someone is easy, difficult is, to stand & fight along with that someone against wrongdoings! And this is applicable to every person who has been benefited by this city as its time to give back and do mind as the most popular dialogue of our Bollywood says, “jurm karanewalese, jurm sahanewala jada gunahagar hota hai” i.e. a person who silently accepts crime against him, is more guilty than the one who dares to do that crime!

At the same time, do mind, a system (read as govt) may turn a blind eye towards crime & criminals but who are they but citizens of this city only, right? May it be jumping red signal or cutting a tree or erecting an illegal hording, someone of us only is responsible for making other’s lives at risk by breaking the laws, don’t forget this aspect of the crimes! Once up on a time, this city was considered as Pensioner’s Delight, Oxford of East & culture was & is considered as our backbone & look where we are driving this city where pensioners are not safe on the roads nor in their homes & on top of it, we are not doing any efforts to conserve culture of our city. One way to reduce crime is we must cultivate respect for knowledge & wisdom & art in the young minds, that is culture & if that happens then automatically it gets reflected in our behaviour. At the same time, disparity is one main cause behind crime so we must try to educate these young minds & give work to those minds so they don’t deviate from the right track & this is not just the job of some dept or NGO but of you & me too! Let’s join hands & don’t wait for someone to come ahead & taking lead to make this city a better & safe place but the race starts from where you are standing now & you only have to fire the starting shot, or else nothing will be left for us ahead which we call future, mind it guys, adios with this warning!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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