Sunday, June 30, 2024

Clients, Builders, Real Estate & Happiness!



“What clients are really interested in is honesty, plus a baseline of competence’ … Patrick Lencioni

‘You should not build your customer service system on the premise that your organisation will never question the whims of your clients” … Richard Branson


“Client is God but even Gods can be wrong at times” … Me


Once again two quotes & third one is just sharing of feelings about the earlier two quotes, please do mind! Will come straight to the subject of sharing which is clients & real estate & let me clear at the start, this is not about marketing or selling flats (or any real estate) because, first, I am not at all a marketing person & second people (read as clients) have become smart (rather over smart) that you can’t make them buy your home by reading some article, so what you read ahead is my analysis of trends in real estate to handle clients & change the industry has seen over the years on clients front. This sharing may be helpful for understanding the client handling at your end is what I feel & I may be wrong, as any B-School will teach you how to identify clients & how to sale them your product but nobody can teach you how to retain your clients as that’s something depends on your attitude towards your work as well how you make understand your clients about what you are! This aspect I thought was missing not just in real estate but in most desi industries & more than selling your product if you understand to handle your clients in the right way then it surely saves you from many unpleasant (read as stress generating) incidents in future, is my reason for sharing.

That way real estate till very recent was not known as client friendly & the reason was simple, it was seller’s business as the gap between demand & supply was big & so was the ego of the sellers’ (read as builders) & I know many first generation builder’s stories about how they use to rule their clients at their whim, though there has been some exceptions to this yet at large client was not an entity to be needed to treat with respect much, was a fact. But today that’s history & with policies of the govt there is enough supply of homes in the market & no more the client has to beg for his home or shop & then there is RERA whose (supposedly) job is to keep clients interest protected & make the builders’ treat clients with respect! As well there is one more player, i.e. social media of which most industries are afraid of as it can tarnish a brand in a day & most new age buyers of real estate are well versed with social media. Unfortunately, with all measures of the govt as well market situation in favour of buyers yet in comparison to other industries client relations remains a problem in the real estate industry, is a fact & for that we have to understand a few basics of the system.

For ages, the real estate industry has been dominated by the sellers & their dominant attitude has been deeply penetrated in all the segments associated with real estate, especially the employees. Because in any organization the employee team usually is reflection of their boss i.e. the owner & if the owner is not truly giving respect to his clients, then you can’t expect it from the team. And when such people switch from a company to another even if the new boss is caring for the clients, they won’t get tamed in that attitude or say mode easily because of their earlier training. And then, the attitude about caring of clients’, needs to get developed over the period & cultivated just the way any good habit needs & that’s a job of patience which most employees & employers don't have, resulting in client relations going for a toss! As any relation depends on right communication which is the weakest link of real estate & with every modern tool at assistance yet people in real estate are most unprofessional when it's communicating the message. They make mess of any communication right from the delay in conveying the message to using the wrong language (as most are poor in English) as well not taking efforts to confirm the message has been delivered in the right way to the right person. And any proper communication needs a system in place which is again a weak link with most real estate cos.’ You may think I am naming/ shaming too much, to real estate but you can cross check my claims (statements) with any person in any field who for some reason has been needed to communicate with any real estate firm’s team & then tell me their remarks about their experience!

A system must be there for the right way of communication & any such system works only if the top boss of the company respects that system & here respect means, insisting on right use of the system. If a client emails you, then within twenty-four hours the concerned person must reply to that email with even just an acknowledgement saying, “thanks we have received your email & we will revert soon.” And the same concern must revert on that email, which rarely happens in real estate, exception is if it is an email for buying flat (that too gets ignored many a times) or it’s an email about depositing the money (sarcastic fact)! More frustrating is, there are shameless responses like “mi mail baghitlich nahi” (I didn’t see the mail) or the server was down or most of the time nothing is conveyed back to the clients if there is any problem with the flat or any document need. Do remember, in any relation communication is the key & real estate is no exception to this law, so if we want our clients happy then first thing is, building a system where at least they will be attended promptly! And for that within your team there must be a system by which responsibilities are given very clearly so no passing the buck game is played which upsets the client most. Always try to keep single point contact & make someone responsible for the clients, that will make us know where the shoe is biting. Why we hate govt system, as keep apart corruption part of it (that’s in private also) major problem is, every time instead of taking lead & solving the problem of the customer it tries to push the ball in other’s court (read as dept) & make the client communicate till he or she gets frustrated, spoiling the relations (who cares here) with the clients, isn’t it? Then why you allow the same thing happening to your clients, is the question I will ask to real estate people when it’s about setting up & following the right communication system with the clients!


Next thing is, clear communication & keeping records of the communication as no more the clients are submissive the way they used to be in the past & they can drag you in the courts over your wrong communication & which not only can damage your image but make loss to you also financially. This is where proper system & training to the team comes in the picture, another weak link of real estate. As everything must be in writing from our side as the client doesn’t need it but we do, in case the dialogue becomes an argument! And not to prove the client wrong but to prove that we too were not wrong & to avoid misunderstandings as these are relation spoilers. Don’t commit things which you can’t do & if you commit then try sincerely to deliver it & even if you fail, do acknowledge it with open mind & plain language communicate that failure to deliver to your client in the right way & right time, this avoids most of the problems, is my experience! And to achieve this there has to be a keen eye on the entire day to day operations by the top boss & a continuous training to the team making them understand the importance of right communication with the clients. You can have WhatsApp groups within your team as well site wise groups with the clients on it though many builders avoid transparency, thinking clients will take undue advantage of their openness (which is true in a way), but avoiding transparency with clients is like not taking vaccine against a deadly disease just out of fear for side effects! How much ever you may do good still there will be some clients who will be unhappy & name you in bad way but you will be confident that you have not done anything wrong as well there will be many other clients which will stand by you for your transparency (if you really have been one) & for those clients you must adopt right communication system with every client.

Recently, in one of our completed projects, an NRI lady (highly educated & working in the finance field in USA) purchased a small ready possession apartment with a package deal. With all her money utilized rightly for the purposes as mentioned in her agreement & her maintenance deposit transferred to the society which was in place yet she abused us of cheating, bullying & not-being transparent & expressing she made a mistake by buying a home with Sanjeevani group etc etc. First, I said I will look in & went through records as well communication involved & when I myself was satisfied that we haven’t done anything wrong, then I shared all details with her saying we are not at fault & the matter she should resolve with concerned society’s office bearers on which even the society members also agreed upon! Yet she kept calling us by names & posting messages on WhatsApp group of that project’s clients & then I posted a lengthy message on that society’s group, explaining our stand. To my surprise, many members (flat holders, clients) stood by us & some even said, they feel sorry that we had to listen to such crap from that lady & I should ignore it & they believe in our workings!  With due respect to that NRI lady client of ours (as after all, she is our client), I deliberately mentioned our own case of clients unhappiness here because even with all right ways & sincere efforts to make someone happy yet the client may not be happy but that’s ok, you tried is what matters most is what I feel & somewhere, somebody does take cognizance of your efforts if you are doing it in right way & I think that’s the key to client service & relations in the real estate! Something about new clients of real estate, just know that all builders are not in business to cheat you & make money, there are many who wants to  build good homes & earn money as well make good relations with clients, so as a client you also need to follow some right communication norms/ system to understand your builder better before tagging him a cheater, & I think that’s a fair expectation as a seller (read as a builder) as then only any deal brings peace to both parties! And for that, dear customers (read as home buyers) you have to ask the right questions in the right mode & in the right way & know about your home as well as understand the process of booking properly, in depth, which will help you in avoiding bitter moments with your builder & this is applicable to any product, even your home loan also!

Incidentally, I came across two very interesting clients handling examples while I was penning down this sharing, one is from hotel Vaishali, an iconic place in Pune where its manager named Manjunath, returned bag full of cash to its rightful owner who has forgotten it in the joint & not a single rupee touched. Though the client thanked Manju but to my knowledge didn’t give any cash reward for his honesty & dedication towards the service to the clients! And second, Ganesh Jamdar, Police Inspector of Bhosri Police station in PCMC, when came across case of theft where robbers have looted goods from a small road side shop & the owner was a physically disabled couple, not only get the complaint lodged but collected money within his team & refilled the goods in the grocery shop to help the poor couple! Again, a wonderful example of commitments towards clients as very few people in Govt understands it’s a service to the public & every person who comes to them is a client & needed to be served to fullest & again not many took cognizance of this noble act from Inspector Jamdar. I wrote to both of them, individually, & thanked them for reminding all of us to keep serving our respective clients, without expectation of getting appreciated, at least that much I can do!

Friends I have been taught (read too) that customer is always right but that doesn’t necessarily make you always wrong; rather it’s not about who is right & who is wrong, it's about how we can achieve peace (and some money) by making our clients happy, that’s key to success, right? Adios, with this note, real estate friends & clients too!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Rains & Self-Care of Our Homes!



“If I'd known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself”… Richard Wayne Van Dyke

Richard Wayne Van Dyke is an American actor and comedian. His work spans screen and stage, and his accolades include a Golden Globe Award, a Tony Award, and six Emmy Awards. Popularly known as Dick Van Dyke, his above words he uttered when he made history by getting Grammy award last week for oldest living artist to get it & he is 98 years old & that’s why his above words about taking right care, I thought of using for this sharing! Now if you are wondering whose care I am referring to because builders are supposed to be caring about only one thing & that is their personal wealth (which actually everybody cares about) but along with being a builder I am an engineer too & of late the rains (read as monsoons) in this city are creating so much havoc that I felt like sharing my experiences on taking prior & proper care of the buildings post possession not just which we have built but in general! Often, I have observed that people spend millions of rupees on their posh interiors as well on the cars but when it comes to protecting these assets or belongings, we are too careless & either ignore the basics of safety measures or think no wrong will come to them! But nature never forgives & even it may not be any wrong thing done by you or your builder or your society (complex/ buildings) for nature the punishment is for the entire humankind (city in our case) & we have to pay for other’s wrong deeds is a fact.

If you think I am a philosopher, then my reply is, it doesn’t matter what I am, but it doesn’t change the fact about my sharing! Some five years back Ambil Odha (A natural water stream flowing through Southern Pune) got flooded breaking compound walls of many buildings alongside it’s both shores & one particular society which is known for its premium living, its basement got flooded with over-flowing water from Ambil Odha & nearly 400 plus cars were submerged & got damaged beyond repair! To my knowledge no insurance was paid to any car owner as it was considered as an Act of God & the very same scene got repeated last week i.e. in 2024’s first rains too. This time not just cars, many ground floor homes & shops also got submerged by water flowing inside the buildings & not from some stream but rain water flowing from the main roads! And it's not about cars or furniture getting damaged, the flooded water entered in to lift shafts, ground water tanks, electricity meter boards, generators & such services making life of the residents of these buildings miserable due to power as well water cuts caused by damage of these services. Apart from financial losses the mental torture as well frustration for being cut of basic necessities of life & most importantly fear in the mind for what more havock next rains will bring in, is something we need to act against, is my subject of sharing!

To start with, it's very much important to get structural stability checking of the building's compound walls periodically every five years. There can be many aspects such as adjoining plot’s development or erosion of the surface soil along the wall from outside of the complex. Any natural water-body around our complex(like a nallaha or small lake) & its course may has got changed due to development works upstream of the same & this may create problems during monsoon with flood water causing damage to our buildings wall. I have witnessed this with my own society where I reside as there was a stream behind our building & we had a retaining wall designed for the stream’s water flow as well of proper height. But after a decade post our possession, some development happened on the downstream of this stream & its gorge got reduced on downstream causing increase in water level behind our building during one monsoon floods & it was so heavy that our wall gave up, fortunately we don’t have a basement & our cars we have already moved on the road outside of our building but the damage to our lifts & electric meter boards caused us quite a headache for nearly a week! At the same time the kind of rainwater coming inside the complex from adjoining roads due to flash floods is a new threat to the compound walls as well as services of the building.  As most of the time the compound walls are not designed to take lateral loads, its job of retaining walls & we build retaining walls only when there is some water body along our boundary or there is level difference between our plot & adjoining plot. In many case the access roads surface level which was below earlier but in later years has gone above the building premise level due to concretization of the roads. This makes all rain water flowing over such roads, to enter into the society & damage the compound walls as well this water enters in the parking, lift shafts & other services on ground such as meter boards & generators. In such cases, society can make arrangements to arrest or restrict rain water flowing inside the complex from roads with the help of proper consultants.

The heavy rains can cause seepage & leakages also, especially because of choke-ups in the terraces of the flats which are closed or not in use & common terrace rainwater systems. These are needed to be checked & cleaned before every monsoon to avoid leakages due to water clogging. Another aspect is, checking of electrical cables as well meter board wiring as over the period the insulation of the electric cables may get damaged & when flood water enters around these cables which are laid underground as well at meter boards there is a danger of short-circuit lead fires. At the same time if the society is having basements for parking, then a proper dewatering system must be in place & its maintenance is a very important aspect which many societies’ never pay attention to. See that in the rainy season, no watchman or labour should use the basement for taking shelter or residing purposes at nights & do get alarm systems installed in case of flooding so all the residents can be informed/ warned simultaneously if evacuation of vehicles is needed. Nowadays many projects have an intercom system yet if not, then the society must get it fitted at its own cost. One more monsoon botheration is falling of trees, damaging vehicles around as well even human life at times & this also needs to be checked up for the conditions of the trees around the society & take necessary action from PMC or concerned dept. Finally, don’t curtail spending on good security services & give them proper training about how to react in case of flash flood like situation & conduct a mock drill for the same. You can take help from the local fire dept for this purpose!

You may ask, why the society should do all such efforts, why not the builder should do it, & my reply (not as a builder) as an engineer is, the builder can give you a building which is build & completed by necessary norms at prevailing time, but the builder is not going to live in the home, you are & the floods won’t recognize whose home is it or whose responsibility it is, right? Fact is, changed pattern of monsoon & developments (read as wrong developments) around the city is not fault of some individual entity but of entire system & wisdom is in taking prior precaution, just the way we are needed to wear helmet even if we are driving with all due care, adios with this advice, stay safe & enjoy the rains! 

*Please feel free to ask for any assistance on this subject,     team Sanjeevani will be happy to assist, you can email us…


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

Please view my sharing about finding a Right Home/ Office in Pune, at YouTube link below & share if liked...


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Creating Togetherness; team Sanjeevani Way (Click link below)

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Think Green, Think Life /

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Safe City , Real Estate & Pune !



Everybody needs a safe place, and it should be their home… Debbie Rowe

Dubai is a safe place, and I never came across anything to worry about… Mo Farah

Home is all about family. Families feeling safe and finding their safe place, which we call, a home... Noma Dumezweni

Three quotes from three people , Debbie is more known as Ex-Wife of the great MJ (Michle Jackson), Mo Farah is Britain's world champion athlete & Noma is Afro-British Actress yet when they speak about hope or city, the first thing they have said is a feeling of safeness & I am sure they may come from different parts of the world & represent different classes yet most of us will agree with them as what’s use if we don’t feel safe in a place where we take refuge every day! I know most of the readers must have guessed about the direction of this sharing & you can quit reading if you have lost the interest but it won’t get you away from the reality in which you are living & I know your reply, what’s use, nothing will change on which my answer is, indeed but shutting your eyes or sealing your mouth or closing your ear also won’t change anything! Ok, lets skip the philosophical debate aside & let’s come straight to the subject which dealt directly with the real estate of the city & I am sure you will be surprised as you might be thinking it’s about safety & crime & deteriorated civic law system etc etc & you are not wrong as both the things are directly connected with each other only thing is we are fool enough not to accept so!

As Debbie says, we all need a safe place which should be our Home & Mo Farah says, he feels safe in the Dubai city while Noma says, home is all about families & finding their safe place, so how you will correlate all these but via real estate, safety & the city (Pune in our case), right? There is a direct connection between safety which when applicable to city or a society is established via Law-Enforcement & real estate, as only the safe cities prosper & survives on the time scale is what history tells us but the problem with the history is, history on its own can’t do anything about changing the present, we the humans who can read the history has to do it by ourself! And on that front if we check our safe city’s recent past, the scene is changing fast as I remember in my younger days (which was just one & half decade back) to my clients (I am a civil engg & a builder too) that in Pune two women can come back home at midnight after watching the last show of the movie on their own by a two-wheeler or by rickshaw, this is the backbone of the city’s culture & trust me it was (still is) an important USP of Pune’s real estate (read as homes) as in compare to most cities in the country of this size resident used to feel safe on the roads here on any hour of the day but!

This but, is the reason for my sharing as if you read last one- or two-years head-lines in news, then death & fear seems to be two most common acquaintances of the citizens on the roads of this city, on any hour of the day & not just night! And if you don’t believe me then the infamous Porsche car accident (please google if don’t know) which took life of two aspiring careers on late hour of the night & if there are few some critics who are raising eyebrows over presence of these young ones on road at late hours then two days back, a pensioner (respectable citizen of the city) on his morning walk lost life to attack of gang of thugs for just few hundred rupees which they demanded from him for buying liquor which the gentleman refused & got hit in return & succumbed to the injuries! The very same gang later attacked two more residents nearby who later registered the complaint with police. Then you open up news-paper & every alternate day you will get to read vehicles parked on the roads getting vandalised by some local bhais’ waving koytas & rampuris (thankfully, not guns yet) around & claiming they are the boss of the locality. And if that’s not enough then every day there is news about road rage fights on the roads & someone getting beaten up badly for minor issues like overtaking or vehicles getting bruised with each other. And then there are deaths of pedestrians, two-wheelers in accidents which mostly are the outcome of lawless driving i.e. not following the basic rules of the traffic such as over speeding, jumping red signal driving in wrong direction of road & yes, by not wearing helmet too! Well, the death & fear doesn’t come just by these human ways in Pune but nowadays nature god also brings them up on the citizens & rain induced flooding along with trees (and hordings/ billboards) falling, are also making the people fear for their lives when on roads! Last but not least, if you think by avoiding going on the roads you can be protected then you are wrong, the worst enemy is unseen & cybercrimes are on rampant, emptying your pockets (read as accounts) by using your own cell phones & email accounts & yes there are sex or honey trap fear (and deaths) too, which mostly went unregistered due to obvious reasons!

Problem is not about the ways fear & death comes to you in this city, as any prospering city has its dark side which comes as a package deal of the prosperity; problem is, about our will to fight or stand against that darkness & keep it at its bay, which is or seems to be missing of-late in Pune! And on top of it we the citizens think by turning away from all these incidences we will be safe then we are fooling nobody else but our own self & the system (read as govt) has their own reasoning for all such incidences of death & fear on road or in our homes! About street crime scenes, Police says, they have less man-power & about cyber-crimes they have inadequate infrastructure to handle increased population & spread of the city. PMC/ PCMC i.e. public bodies are too busy in handling their political controls over these which is good for bureaucrats there & may it be road flooding or tree falling, the reason is, unpredictable heavy rains & the fear keeps spreading on all fronts of the societies. If all these are not enough then not just residents but the businesses here also are facing problems such as land grabbing too mathadi nuisance (contract labour unions) about which most people prefer to pay the money which is actually just extorsion than complaining to police, as they know (or believe) nothing will happen but more trouble for the business! At the same time everybody including the so-called leaders(read as especially the leaders) turns blind eye to illegal hording & cutouts dangerously hung along all the roads or the city, blocking footpaths & only after the respective event is gone then the local body makes a show-off of removing these hording, which are threat as well disturbance to citizens only!

And if you think only, these are the only crimes or botheration for the common citizen then wait for smallest of festival or some great person’s birthday or death anniversary (Punyatithi or Jayanti) & there are wall of speakers without which celebrations are incomplete & processions with DJ & Laser beams blocking traffic (which is already slow) & ear deafening sound! All these if you & me do is a crime but when any political or social party does it then the entire system is deaf & blind to register on its own such act as crime! I think after reading all this you must be thinking, well what’s new in it, we all know & experience this every day, but my question is, what are you going to do about it as that will decide your future which is directly tied up with the city's future, is my object of sharing! Especially the real estate guys (read as builders), because don’t think that you will keep making homes forever here & let the society burn around you as the fire will eventually engulf our industry also! Agreed, any businessman will say, what can I do about it & shall I not focus on my business than thinking on these issues which are not in my control or not my responsibility! My reply is, you are doing business in this city & you are citizen of this city & at least you as an individual as well as a group of businessmen can raise your voice over crimes & attitude behind them as well can offer support in every possible way to the system which we call govt as to name or shame or criticize someone is easy, difficult is, to stand & fight along with that someone against wrongdoings! And this is applicable to every person who has been benefited by this city as its time to give back and do mind as the most popular dialogue of our Bollywood says, “jurm karanewalese, jurm sahanewala jada gunahagar hota hai” i.e. a person who silently accepts crime against him, is more guilty than the one who dares to do that crime!

At the same time, do mind, a system (read as govt) may turn a blind eye towards crime & criminals but who are they but citizens of this city only, right? May it be jumping red signal or cutting a tree or erecting an illegal hording, someone of us only is responsible for making other’s lives at risk by breaking the laws, don’t forget this aspect of the crimes! Once up on a time, this city was considered as Pensioner’s Delight, Oxford of East & culture was & is considered as our backbone & look where we are driving this city where pensioners are not safe on the roads nor in their homes & on top of it, we are not doing any efforts to conserve culture of our city. One way to reduce crime is we must cultivate respect for knowledge & wisdom & art in the young minds, that is culture & if that happens then automatically it gets reflected in our behaviour. At the same time, disparity is one main cause behind crime so we must try to educate these young minds & give work to those minds so they don’t deviate from the right track & this is not just the job of some dept or NGO but of you & me too! Let’s join hands & don’t wait for someone to come ahead & taking lead to make this city a better & safe place but the race starts from where you are standing now & you only have to fire the starting shot, or else nothing will be left for us ahead which we call future, mind it guys, adios with this warning!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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