Sunday, August 25, 2024

MAHARERA, a Rein or a Noose for the Real Estate!




“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else’… Sam Walton

‘If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable” … Louis D. Brandeis

Samuel Moore Walton was an American business magnate best known for founding the retailers such as Walmart and Sam's Club, which he started in Rogers, Arkansas and Midwest City, Oklahoma in 1962. Louis Dembitz Brandeis was an American lawyer who served as an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1916 to 1939. Walton, as we all know as Walmart is one of the biggest super shoppe chain in the world while Brandeis may be lesser known to us yet I always admire America & respect her for the way different fraternities’ gets gelled here especially on the front of respecting customer & law, which is perfectly reflected in above two quotes respectively! Most importantly, Americans have understood the importance of understanding these two entities i.e. customer & law as then only they both are respected, a thing which we the Indians are way behind to adopt, leave apart copy! Why we won’t be able to never beat America, is not because we don’t have talent or capacity on any front, the only reason is we don’t have the attitude when it comes to respect either customer or the law! My such statement may make me very unpopular among so called “Deshpremis” but that won’t change the facts! Or else today maximum applications for going to USA for any reason won’t have been from our beloved country & those applicants includes some of the best brains who have passed from the top institutes of the country where govt spends millions for these student’s careers, there all the “Deshpremis” turns a blind eye or are ignorant as well these applicants has non-educated but street smart people too, whose street smartness doesn’t help them to earn decent here, that’s why they also want to go to America, anyways that’s different aspect of sharing, so let it be!

The reason for my Americano love (sarcasm) is, recently one of my journalist friends asked me to write about a new circular about conditions (read as rules & regulations) from MAHARERA which is the governing body for all the real estate industry regarding RERA in our State. By now RERA is a well-known term to most people the way its ED & CBI are & frankly (read as bluntly) many people think RERA does the same job for real estate industry which other two agencies do for the society & these many people include builders also! Well, I have been in real estate since last 35 years & I have seen the spectrum where builder used to refuse to even meet the clients as well the rate per sft of the flats used to change every day the way share market does & commitment was not the word the real estate industry has, yet the things were going (I am referring to Maharashtra State only)! There may be a builder's market yet the fact is, thousands of projects got completed & people did get their respective homes or else there wouldn’t have been a redevelopment boom today (read as so many successfully completed buildings with residents eligible for their redevelopment legally), right? There had been irregularities but many of them were because of lack of knowledge or ignorance or greed by the home buyers, is also a bold statement I will make here, & all of these were tagged as “majburi” i.e. helplessness of the client or monopoly of the builders! Which I differ, as there was option of “not buying,” then also, the very same way Bajaj (no offence, just a scale for comparison) scooters were available on premium that too with waiting list yet people used to wait & the scooter has many technical issues but nobody thought of getting a governing body for automobile segment & same things has happened for TV or even Freeze in the past! Then why only real estate is blamed for cheating or ignoring customers, is I always want to ask & the main reason is, home is an emotional thing for most Indians & second, real estate was always un-organized, un-united segment in comparison with any other industry or say self-centred with individuals busy in making money & caring a hoot about the policies & such things. Till the time organizations like Credai & Nardeco & MBVA came into picture the damage in the eyes of the public & govt’s attitude towards real estate has been done & outcome is RERA! Again, I am not defending wrong deeds of builders nor opposing RERA (does it matters though!), what I am trying to share is a regulation authority should be like a rein for a racing horse i.e. it must be tight enough to control the horse’s direction & speed, at the same time it should not become a noose making the horse give up the race getting choked due to over tightening of the rein!

And then, I don’t blame RERA as it’s the real estate which brought it upon themselves as earlier also MOFA (Maharashtra Ownership of Flat Act) was there & it was, is more stringent than RERA in many ways yet its poor implementation of MOFA & home buyer’s ignorance about their rights leads that path or say need for RERA, of which governing authority is MAHARERA for our State. Now, if you are enlightened about the subject then let’s see what’s latest salvo MAHARERA has fired for the real estate as RERA demands transparency for the customers & that’s fine but an industry which is not yet organized & has multiple layers needs to be handled carefully if we want the right effect of any rule is what I feel & that’s why the sharing!

First and foremost, let's understand why RERA came in existence, its sole purpose was to protect client's interest as earlier in many States builder were misleading home buyers which were helpless against such cheating & these States weren’t having any effective system like MOFA in place to protect flat holder’s interest against the builders. So, what RERA did or is supposed to do is, to make the builders stay committed to what they have promised to the clients & for that builders are needed to put everything in written agreement format right at the beginning, that's all!!

Unfortunately, as usual the problem is not RERA rules or intentions but it's execution as take the latest RERA guidelines asks builders to give all amenities in writing as well time limits for those amenities to be provided to the clients or take example of quality audit or workmanship, I think high time to analyse or say differentiate the area of jurisdiction of RERA! The amenities’ mentioning part is ok as that's anyways going to be a committed thing even as per the brochure also but the time-line can be a tricky thing especially when project is large and to play safe, builders will give longer date about which RERA can't do anything! Same way, quality audit is not RERA purview as post possession maintenance is mandatory for the builder, so why go into it & how are we going to control it, is the next question!! Same is for Senior Citizen’s amenities in any project, let customer demand & decide what they want as they have a choice of not buying their home with the respective builder, why RERA has to decide what is good for Senior Citizens, something by which they themselves are going to increase their workload, is what I feel!

About common amenities and specifications, it’s perfectly fine as the client has right to know what kind of tiles or sanitary fittings or lifts will be there in his home but there has to be allowance for availability of all these materials at the time of that work stage which will be two or three years from the RERA registration of the project or else the clients of today are at par with builders in making others’ lives miserable & can take disadvantage of these lacunas!! Similarly, in case of projects with multiple buildings there has to be provision to modify (without affecting view of already sold units or their accessibility) common facilities/ amenities/ open spaces, for the flexibility of planning, is what I suggest as an engineer!  Last but least, when things get bitter then either of the parties (usually the flat holder) goes to the Police & joke is, even with RERA in place for more than seven years yet action is being taken under MOFA provisions which must be abandoned now, thus making the clients take advantage of the system against the builders & our system (read as investigating agencies) always loves such loopholes, especially when it’s some businessman’s neck is caught in the noose! Again, I don’t say protect builders, what I am saying is, use one law for one crime as or else justice never gets delivered in the right way! Oh yes, something I keep on repeatedly putting forward as if Hon. MAHARERA  try to tame even the real estate agents as they too are beneficiary of real estate sale of any project then why it don't get Govt related depts also under its jurisdiction, because right from delaying sanctions, stopping the submission procedure with new Boos comes in place to denying taking responsibility of basic services like water, road & drainage, all such things govt's respective dept's keep on doing while they too earn (a lot) from every sft of any project, right? 

Few words of my learnings for the builders; MAHARERA is here & will keep on tightening the noose as in this country doing business such as real estate & earning money is never going to be a respectable job & the system (including media) will always look at you with suspicious eyes is a bitter fact, so you only learn to keep the things as straight as much you can & not just with customers but with everybody you deal with as then you don’t have to be afraid of any RERA or MOFA thingy, though that doesn’t mean you are insured for ever; terms & conditions apply (sorry for sarcasm)! 

 To conclude, all I will say is, any deal works on terms & conditions but more than that it's about building relations, this aspect should be the essence of the deal is what RERA also should take in account, adios with this note...!!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

Please view my sharing about finding a Right Home/ Office in Pune, at YouTube link below & share if liked...


Please do visit my blog links below to read about real estate & home buying!

Creating Togetherness; team Sanjeevani Way (Click link below)

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Take your issues to Hon PM at link below...

Think Green, Think Life /

Monday, August 19, 2024

UDPCR, Rain & the City!


“Planning is for the world's great cities, for Paris, London, and Rome, for cities dedicated, at some level, to culture. Detroit, on the other hand, was an American city and therefore dedicated to money, and so design had given way to expediency.”

― Jeffrey Eugenides

Jeffrey Kent Eugenides is an American author. He has written numerous short stories and essays, as well as three novels & he is a resident of Detroit, which was once the most prospering city of America & an Automobile hub of the world!! I said once as his above quote about planning tells the story of the deterioration of the city in later stage & why I remembered Jeffrey’s above quote is, recent rain created havoc on roads we witnessed in Pune & more than that the reactions of so called Punekars about the rain havoc & blaming it on UDPCR! We all witnessed (rather, are witnessing) every monsoon what happens to Pune’s not just low-lying areas but even those localities which are on higher altitude also. As usual local governing bodies (PMC/ PCMC) & govt named nature god for the destruction the rains bring along & the sufferers (read as citizens) name their bad luck & the “Thinkers of Pune” (this is separate class of citizens) always like to blame every such bad thing happening to the city to some entity & this time they have blamed the rain caused damage to UDPCR! Well, those lucky souls who doesn’t knows UDPCR then it’s not builders or any segment of industry but a policy for urban town planning which has been passed by our State govt nearly three years back & is applicable to most of the urban towns & cities of the State barring few regions such as Mumbai Municipal Corporation (Some will say because that’s already beyond repair, but that’s another subject of sharing). Now you may wonder how can some policy related to urban planning can be responsible for the rains & floods it caused, & my sharing is exactly about your this question, so if you are interested then read ahead!

First, we will have to understand the rain & floods situation which is getting bad every year while the rainfall by average quantity is nearly the same per year but its pattern is changing & that’s happening all around the world, so only Pune is not getting step-child treatment by Gods, mind it! Then why suddenly this flooding on the roads, water entering in the societies & rivers as well streams swelling & damaging compound walls along started happening, is the next question you will ask & here comes the urban town planning in the picture which eventually makes us meet UDPCR thingy! I have been staying in Pune for the last 35 years & indeed earlier the rains used to be the same on average rainfall quantity but the pattern was, it used to rain continually moderate showers over the longer periods & not unlike today's burst of down pouring. As this type of rain makes it difficult to dispose of the rainwater which falls on the ground & called as Runoff & it’s this Runoff volume of water which is the cause of damage, the outcome of our wrong town planning policies is what thinkers’ groups are saying! As apart from change of rain pattern one more thing has changed in the last 30 years & that is the way city has developed in these years as very little earth cover & earth’s crest also available for absorbing the rain water which or else flows on the surface but then this hasn’t happened in two-three years & UDPCR has come in just last three years! I am not protecting or supporting UDPCR, I am just putting facts to analyse as I too am a civil engg, builder but more than that I am citizen of this city & I care for the city, disclaimer, lol! Yet, the Thinkers have claimed that it’s the UDPCR which is the only reason for the sorry situation of the city during monsoons so let’s see how & why UDPCR is being blamed!

Before analysing impact of UDPCR on city planning we should look at the history of Pune city’s urban growth which is on the rise since last three decades & UDPCR or no UDPCR we never thought of earth cover & its importance, is a fact as any new building can be built only by removing the topsoil cover & we needed homes so the earth cover has to go & that kept happening every year in last thirty years is something we are not taking in to account. At the same time, we started building our homes wherever possible & where legally it was not possible then the homes were (and are) built illegally, damaging not just the earth cover but damaging the natural course of the water flows & storages, which we call as streams & rivers & lakes also! The city was & is prospering because we all wanted Education Institutes, IT Parks, Industries & many such as these are our growth engines & today everybody wants to get associated with Pune for their respective career, and for this each of us is responsible as we too are beneficiary of all this growth, right? Problem is, nobody either never thought or ignored the very basic fact that all this growth of the city will attract millions of people in a concentrated piece of land (read as city) & they will need buildings for their homes, schools, shopping, health , entertainment as well these people will need services, roads & many such things which again will need land & every such structure will be an obstruction for natural water flow as well will reduce water absorption capacity of this city which has become like an epicentre of earthquake only the earthquake is in the form of population explosion but the outcome will be same i.e. a disaster!

This was the scene before UDPCR coming in picture on the scene of urban planning & with UDPCR more buildable area was permitted i.e. increase in FSI/ TDR in many ways (please google for FSI / TDR meaning as I am too tired to explain that) making more buildable area possible on the very same land. In nut shell if on a plot of say 10000 sft i.e. 100 ft x 100 ft if earlier 15 flats of 2 bhk were allowed to build then now with UDPCR policy we can build nearly double also i.e. 30 flats of 2 bhk. This move was to boost urban growth & with a thought that if we can’t increase the land then let’s increase the land potential to build more homes so the home prices will come down, a very noble thought & it did succeed in some way but that's a different subject of sharing! What impact this has made on city real estate industry is, every land holder became richer double or triple times that too overnight with potential of his land got increased & all these lands are available now for development & there are builders & why blame just builders but govt is also getting money with every sq ft of this development in every possible form (read as taxes). But what we forget once again is, all this development is going to damage the earth cover faster, as this time it's for the added flat’s parking & essential services we are required to dig basements, so lesser scope for rain water percolation & more flood water on roads & everywhere! The problem is not UDPCR, problem is our short sightedness to implement it as today its rainwater we are blaming but what if there are less rains, then there won't be problem of floods but then from where we will be supplying water to all these buildings, have we thought of it & that’s already happening! Dear Thinkers of Pune, we are witnessing biggest joke (read as failure) of urban planning as in city (PMC/ PCMC limits) we oppose UDPCR or new developments for avoiding floods i.e. excess water & outside of city (PMRDA limits) we oppose new development for our inability to supply the water for this development, wonderful planners we are, aren’t we?

And then it's not just UDPCR, our entire approach to urban planning is weird as we are building Metro which already is two decades late & to run Metro in profit, we come up with the idea of having more density in city centre with smaller flats along Metro track but this is adding more burden of city in every possible form, this aspect we are forgetting! At the same time, we must allow the buildings to go higher for our parking & such needs than allowing them to dig in the earth & damaging earth's water absorption capacity permanently & for that we need to modify our approach towards urban planning, which we are ignoring. And one more damage is happening to the city by rampant development & that is, reduction in new green cover as well due to hard paving the roots of existing trees also are getting weak as less water is available for them & this is why numbers of trees falling even is small burst of rains is increasing constantly, causing reduction in existing green cover also!

Finally, what about illegal buildings as even with UDPCR in place common man can’t afford a legal home in & around Pune city is the sole reason of increase in illegal homes which are being built on the hills & in the river beds too, but our leaders are happy in making announcements in regularising such illegal homes than forming a right policy to balance growth & nature, & our thinkers blame UDPCR for floods, great! And UDPCR was not made overnight, it’s a law also in a way & why nobody protested or pointed these flaws while its making, is something I want to ask all the Thinkers & this doesn’t mean we can’t make changes to UDPCR, but don’t put all blame on some pages of a rulebook for our shortsightedness, is what I want to tell! As well, high time for the builders (sorry developers) in the city to stop the rat race for consuming more & more FSI just the way for our body’s fitness even if we have enough money to buy any quantity of food we eat in control, same way let's consume the FSI in controlled way even govt is giving it free!

Guys, rains were there, are there & will be there as its nature’s cycle, point is are we going to learn to live at peace with nature & make our policies accordingly because if we keep on insisting on our greedy policies without caring for nature then the nature also will do the same to us & we all know who will be the loser in that game, adios with this warning dear Thinkers of Pune!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

Please view my sharing about finding a Right Home/ Office in Pune, at YouTube link below & share if liked..


Please do visit my blog links below to read about real estate & home buying!

Creating Togetherness; team Sanjeevani Way (Click link below)

For any of your complaints about city, log in at link below

Take your issues to Hon PM at link below..

Think Green, Think Life /


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Building Maintenance Industry, Cave of Alibaba!



“This is the thing about the service industry, you can get trained to be slick and hospitable in any situation and it serves you well the rest of your life. Once you figure out that everything is performance and you bow to that, learn to modulate, you can dissociate from the mothership of yourself like an astronaut floating in space.” Merritt Tierce

Merritt Tierce is an American short story author, story editor, essayist, activist, and novelist. She used to teach also at Iowa university & presently has been settled in Los Angeles as a story writer. She may be a storyteller but the very fact she has made her career in Hollywood itself speaks to her credentials to comment on the service industry, which is my subject of sharing! Though building line (read as real estate) & service itself are two sides of the poles till very recently but the times are changing & so is real estate too. Recently my son (sorry for using personal reference which I avoid always yet this time the subject of focus got initiated by him, so used his reference) emailed me a questionnaire about his MBA project which deals with building maintenance service business startup! Well, I am no management expert or marketing guy or a business guru but a hardcore civil engineer & I have been maintenance engineer by myself in the start of my career & I kept that dept with me even when I become head of a real estate company’s technical head because I have understood the importance of this most neglected aspect of building industry! You ask any civil engineer & he will work on a construction site at half salary but won’t become a maintenance engineer & not that any civil engineer can become a good maintenance engineer, is also equally true! Reason is, its non-glamorous job & engineering don’t go hand in hand with service which is one more myth! And not just being a maintenance engineer of late you don’t get people or say skilled workmen for maintenance is also a red zone issue in building industry making this business or say start up very much blue-chip, which is the reason I not only replied his questioner but thought of penning down this aspect in a bit elaborate way!

Before sharing my views let me give you some background of the scene of building maintenance service industry. Barring Urban Clap named company which makes all servicemen such as plumber, electrician etc available via there app, right now there is no organized segment operating in this industry to my knowledge. At the same time there are few builders such as Panchashil, Magarpatta & Gera who offer (is what I know) maintenance service contracts to their customer only no builder provides such professional service rather many are not interested in providing such service pertaining to time involved in the process. This has made the post-possession scene in many housing projects miserable to such an extent that people are not ready to become office bearers of the society such as Chairman or Secretary as they have to follow these service providers for any civil maintenance work in the society! And when some individual flat holder tries to resolve his complaint of leaking tap or choked up bathroom or replace a broken tile & repair a short-circuited switch then right from getting a reliable plumber or electrician to settle his payment terms to make himself available at home at the price of bunking office, its miserable journey & on top of it risk of exposing your home to some unknown person is always a added risk which not many people are ready to take! And with thousands of new projects coming every year in Pune region with time being the main constraint for its residents, you can imagine the potential this industry has within! All such aspects are in a way boon for someone to enter into a building maintenance service startup who really is ready to work hard & understands the service industry.

Below are some pointers as I was supposed to comment on the role of an entrepreneur or a businessman who will think of building maintenance as a startup or say new business…


1. Entering New Markets


.. While entering in any new market what I look is at clientele and need of the service; presently all around the globe urbanization is a fact & that means more buildings , it may be homes is all forms such as flats, bungalows as well offices , IT Parks, Malls, public building and many such & all these buildings needs maintenance, this is why I choose maintenance service as new business as potential is already there!


2. Service Innovation


Service industry is ever innovating as  building maintenance means people and this industry can’t run on a Work from Home basis but you need real hands to work on!! Innovation is needed for two things here, as in today's world time is money & more than that, time wasted is the main reason for stress too!! This is where innovation comes into picture as we need to innovate to reduce the time in service as well for right communication which again is cause of time wastage which means stress! This is where one has to use innovation to effectively use the man hours involved in this traditional profession of building maintenance.


3. Digital Transformation


Here, the main hurdle is the client is well versed with the digital world while the actual working team is not that tech-savvy rather illiterate in most cases as they are plumbers, tilers, carpenters & such who may not have been to basic schooling also. To breach this gap is the main challenge which can be also another business itself. but digitalization will help in a great way in building maintenance business as data is key & right from keeping complaints & their types data to clients records to labour force data, on so many fronts digitalization can be a boon which at present is not being used effectively.


4.Technology Adoption


Basic fact of any industry or business is people are afraid of change & this fear makes them reluctant to any change, not just technology. one has to understand this mindset & then introduce any technology especially when business is like building maintenance. But again if presented in right way where your team will realize that technology is good for their safety as well for money making, then they are faster than you to adopt it best example is use of WhatsApp and ever increasing sale of smartphones for payments, it’s the working class at ground level which are using  it more frequently than the upper classes & is a classic example of adoption of technology. After all the workers or say team mates of building maintenance are street smart survivors as they may be uneducated study wise but they are not fools, every businessman must keep this aspect in mind.


5. Consumer Behaviour


This is something which has not been talked about much in the building industry & when it's post occupation services then the builder is long gone & already the client is frustrated while dealing with maintenance on his or her own!! Here again right & clear communication backed up with committed service time lines matters most  & if you can do that then customer will be happy but one wrong step, & his boiling point is already nearby so it's a rope walk always when it's building maintenance! What in any maintenance complaint client needs most is, someone who will understand & feel his or her problem as a leaking tap or choked toilet or peeling paint or a faulty door bolt, may be just a building problem. But it's already giving nightmares to the building occupier hammering his daily routine, especially of the house-lady when it's a Home & it is deteriorating entire atmosphere of the Home, this the service provider must understand & then deal with the respective client... think of you being in his home or office & then it's easy to understand behaviour pattern of the client which indirectly saves you from future stresses as well makes strong business relations!


6. Key Aspect is Communication.


Lastly, focus on having right communication with your customers & be available to him or her when you commit you will be available, that's the most important key of building maintenance but any service, after all a best service is not defined by the service provider but by the customer!


There is one more aspect of building maintenance service industry which nobody has thought of as there are very less skilled women in this industry as how many of you have come across a lady plumber or electrician or a tiler or a woman carpenter, none is the answer for most of the people, right? This is because these are physical jobs & needed to be done at construction sites in adverse conditions & that’s why it is never considered as women’s job which is not right as most of these men has helper women which assists them in carrying their accessories or provide material but never women are allowed to do the job by themselves. Here in building maintenance a woman plumber or a water-proofer or a tiler can feel safer as the working site is the home or office of some family or an organization. At the same time the families will also be more comfortable if a lady plumber or electrician is entering into their home for maintenance, right? And again, this can be a biggest avenue for employment of millions of women especially girls from rural parts of the country & organizations like Jungle belles which works for wildlife conservation & women can be a bridge in doing so. Skill development programs for girls from villages near forests can be planned & this can be a major raw material force for building maintenance service industry! At the same time this industry can be employment for many youths who are ready to work hard (rare quality though) as not just skilled workers but there is going to be huge job potential for posts such as back-office people, marketing guys & data maintaining crew. In an era where most youth spend their budding years for entering into govt exams it's really a shame why they can’t look for such avenues for employment, just because one has to work hard & that’s the reason also for agitation over reservation in govt jobs!  With growing urbanization building maintenance service is future of many startups, only problem is, this “work from home” is meant for somebody else’s home to work in (pardon me for the PJ) & the young civil engineers must come out of the so-called pride & dignity myths of considering maintenance as below par profession & opportunity here is like Cave of Alibaba waiting for someone to say the “Sim Sim” words, to open it up!


To conclude, real estate guys, you also think about it as indeed any product gets respect & recognition by its quality but service after sale of that product is also part of that quality & there lies future of that product & your buildings too are no exception to this “law of service’, mind it!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

Please view my sharing about finding a Right Home/ Office in Pune, at YouTube link below & share if liked..


Please do visit my blog links below to read about real estate & home buying!

Creating Togetherness; team Sanjeevani Way (Click link below)

For any of your complaints about city, log in at link below

Take your issues to Hon PM at link below..

Think Green, Think Life /