Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Tadoba Forest; New Season, New Excitement!


“Not all dusty, bumpy rides are stressful but some of them make you at peace too”…

This is what I felt while riding in the gypsy on a road (well, if you can call a boulder laid, steep slope as road) in Alizanza Buffer of Tadoba! here, you don't notice the bumps which makes otherwise your neck & back ache nor you realize the red dust in the air due to vehicles movement which or else you would have cursed as pollution because your mind is engulfed in the search of those yellows black stripes which comes along with loads of greens & fragrances of heaven! And the outcome is sheer peace as you become part of the forest which surrounds you the way the sea surrounds a fish, that's what Tadoba does to you!! Right from a mongoose climbing on a tree to a sloth beer blocking your way to the tigers roaming around in their own mood, forest makes you at peace provided you go there first & learn to live by the rules of the forest! Well, October makes the new season’s start for the reserved forests of India i.e., core zones of project tigers & what better place than Tadoba it could have been for me to start it! For those who are unaware of wildlife tourism, the tiger parks (parks doesn’t mean the parks in our cities) which are reserved forests to conserve tiger & wildlife are closed during monsoon as road conditions can get bad & all such forests are open for tourism only post monsoon that is October! Though during monsoons buffer zones of these reserved forests are open & I had been to tadoba’s buffers even in monsoon, so you must be wondering with the series of sharing about Tadoba that am I obsessed with Tadoba, then my answer is yes, I am obsessed with Tadoba forest & these sharing’s may seem repeat telecast but they are not as every day the forests is new & here we are talking about new season, so if you are a wild lifer (and even if you are not but want to know about wildlife) then do read ahead, lol!


First thing about this part of the year visiting the forests is, the animals’ colour pattern change as well the glow their skin gets with the winter ahead. I have clicked sloth bears (more hairs make you look messier with heat) in summer & hair which looks dry & grey becomes shiny black, just like a kid whose hair has been oiled & combed by his mom! And the Tadoba does makes me lucky also as I got to click the sloth bear in clear in the first place, is also a reason for these sharing & my trips to Tadoba!  But more than all these sightings & tigers (of course) what pulls me towards Tadoba forests is the bond between the tigers (read as wildlife) & the people here which seems to be growing strong (touchwood) with every new season of wildlife. Not only nearly 22 plus numbers of gates which makes you able to visit these forests may it be a core or buffer but they are like t=22 gates to heaven on the earth, such is magic which unfolds in-front rather all around you, once you enter in the forests here! And while you earn peace on these rides by being merged with nature at the same time the forest teaches you so many new things just the way you learn same subject in more depth as you study it in every new year but forward! Every new day & season of tadoba forests makes you able to see wildlife with a new vision, listen new languages of the forests, inhale new fragrances of nature, all this is possible only if you visit the forests often & with open mind as well a wish to learn from it! And it’s not just about the wildlife but these trips (safaris) make you able to understand man-animal relations or bond with a new dimension which in our city life we are losing fast even with the humans itself!


Here in these forests, you meet people whom you knew & new people also & all of them has some story to share which makes you able to understand forest in better way. For e.g. I met a young lady guide Dnyaneshwari who is native only from the Belara village in buffers & was sharing her experiences as guide (read as lady guide). It’s so amazing to listen the stories these youngsters talk about their sightings as guide & as a native as they have grown up seeing wildlife (read as tigers) around & their love/affection about the wildlife is clearly visible from their words & more from their expressions while they share the stories. She was speaking about the tigresses Veera, Junabai like they are her sisters & how she gets happy when see get to see them & how she has seen them as a villager also as for tigers’ boundaries of humans are not binding & they can be seen out of the so-called reserved forests also! It’s heartening to see the younger genre aspiring to make career in wildlife that too women as its tough job, while entire house is sleeping you must leave your home for the morning safari & that can’t be excuse of getting away from your household duties such as cooking, washing utensils etc after dinner on the earlier night! As well, in the forests its high-time to make toilets at regular interval on all the routes as in the winter mornings, nature’s call is natural for everybody, & I really wonder how can be our system be so insensible not to take any action about it! As when tiger sighting is going on nearby & some lady or elder person in the gypsy is needed to use wash room at that time only,  you can’t expect the entire gypsy to go some ten kms back to gate as people spend fortune for one safari to see a tiger (nothing wrong in it) & just because one can’t hold nature’s call one should not be deprived sighting of the tiger as we can’t provide toilets at right places in the forests, high time all the tourists must right to PM or Hon President or Hon Supreme Court for this aspect of wildlife tourism, at least now when we have so many lady guides in our service, we must consider their comforts too!  But then the system (read as govt) which can’t provide good clean toilets in city like Pune what we can expect from them in remote places like Tadoba forests is also true, yet keep fighting for right things is all we can do, right? And then the issue of public toilets is grave in the villages around our forests which I am repeatedly raising voice about as there are boards on the entry of all villages saying “hagandarimukt gaon” i.e. village where nobody has to go in open for nature’s call but you can see poor ladies shying away from headlights of our car  while going towards gate in the early morning, guys we are in 2023 & sending rockets to Moon & we can’t make public toilets for our country’s women, shame on us! At the same time its main cause of man-animal conflicts also as these early hours are the hunting time for animals like tiger & leopards & these women become easy prey for the wild animals!

Speaking about women & the risk they are ready to carry for the wildlife career; at one water hole we were waiting, ours was lone gypsy & we know a tigress is sleeping in the bushes nearby. Just when the tigress arises from her sleep & was ready to come out, a forest dept’s vehicle approached the water hole & a lady scientist got down to replace the camera trap memory card unaware of the tigress which was just few feet away from the spot. We alarmed her about presence of the tigress & she hurriedly sat back in the car!  Guys, while you read these words sitting relaxed (and safe) in your respective homes you won’t imagine the tense moments at such times & that’s why try to support from our side as much to every that person who risks his or her life so that we can enjoy wildlife!


And coming to sightings (how we can forget this aspect), Tadoba never stops making me lucky & this trip too was not an exception, right from tiger sightings too sloth bear to mongoose on tree, here were many wonderful sightings which only can be experienced as no picture can tell the complete story yet I clicked a few! One special click was while waiting for alarm calls our guide spotted some movement on a nearby tree & to our surprise it was a grey mongoose climbing on that tree. I knew mongoose are master thieves of bird’s eggs from their nests & can climb on trees but has never witnessed which I could this time & even click a few good images of the same, while our driver was urging to rush towards the alarm calls! Friends, we all like to see a tiger but forest is full of other many wonderful things also, so don’t neglect or ignore these while you are on search for the tigers!


The Queen of Kolara-Madanapur!

She is don't have a big frame neither she has eye catchy features in comparison with her neighbouring tigresses, she never got the fame (which she deserves) like Maya & Tara or Sonam, yet she rules Madnapur-Kolara buffer of Tadoba for last six years & is the reason to make thousands of families earn their livelihood here, she is Junabai! And she is beautiful by her attitude, it's because of Junabai & other such tigers today that tadoba buffers are not just most popular among wild lifers & tourists but is the reason to make residents here love & care for the tigers, like they are part of villager’s family! Its such wonderful bonding between tigers & people around Tadoba which has made Tadoba a heaven for the tigers & we are lucky to experience it alive!

here are some magical moments from my recent Tadoba trip!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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