Saturday, May 7, 2022

World's Eighth Wonder, the Mother!


Mother's Day

8th May

“They say there are seven wonders in the world, I haven't seen them but I know the eighth wonder of my world, it’s my mother (read as every mother), & I am lucky as I get to see her everyday” ...

I myself only have written the above words as that's the first thing that came to me when I thought of writing something for my mother on Mother’s Day! Indeed, not only when you are unwell but even when you are doing great, then also if someone still is always worried for you then it's your mother! She knows and believes in your capabilities but she is the one who knows your weaknesses better than you & that's why she is more worried & caring when it's a matter of her son or daughter. 

That way every child always needs both of the parents, i.e., father & mother, to grow yet the role of the mother is always vital as that's a very special bond of nature itself between the child & a mother. Unfortunately, when it’s about credit, most of the time any child when grows up is known by his or her father's legacy but fact is, it’s the mother who makes that child able to carry that legacy!! 

And then conveniently most men i.e., father has passed on the responsibility of raising the kids to their mothers, considering it's a less important job, but do mind had it not been your mother, how many success stories would have been there around in reality?? And exactly this is why the phrase, “behind every successful man there is a woman” must have come into existence & that woman in most cases is the mother (for the lucky ones) only! Just one thing I have never understood, the person (read as the mother) who is so caring & affectionate for her child, how she can reserve her same feelings showering on the better half of her sibling (again in most cases)! As in most families the cause of the rift in the family is, mother’s chemistry with the new entrant in the life of his son, maybe it's too much of care & love which turns into possessiveness of her child is the sole reason for such behavior! And a mother is equally possessive about the achievement of her sibling & takes that front vey personally, if at all there is one person who will be more hurt & sadder due to your defeat, may it be school exam or match of any game or promotion in the job, it’s your mother who feels it’s her personal loss or win & not just yours, that’s what mother’s love for her sibling is!  

Today, on this day also, your mother doesn't need or expect any gift from you nor she will ask for something, yet make out some time for her & tell her she is the best thing you have & promise her that you won't do anything which will make her feel down, that will be the best gift for her. And even if your mother is no longer in this mortal world, then just close your eyes & feel her around & tell her that, you don’t miss her as you know she is watching you & you will always try to make her proud & trust me you will feel her smile & wetness of the tears of joy from her eyes, that’s your return gift which no money or power in the world can buy, do that for her, she deserves that much from you! ...


sanjay deshpande & team Sanjeevani.


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