Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Lesson, which a Dog taught Me!




21st June 16- 21st June 22

“The best gift a dog can give you is, teaching you how to love someone without being selfish” …

Well, these are not words of some diehard dog lover but mine & let me admit I am not much of doggie guy yet when some living animal stays in your home, keep looking at you when around & wags its tail happily just at sight of you whenever you enter in home then, well if you don’t get attached to it then either you are a saint or you are a machine & I am not both!

We have (had) two dogs at home, Orio, a beagle & Bagira, a black pug & today (21st June 22) Orio the beagle, left this world, exactly on very date when it’s born six years back & though it wasn’t with us for much time yet it’s the teachings it left to me is his best ever gift to me! And then when somebody, even your pet whose life span is less than humans die, if it’s because of age, you can still take it as that’s law of nature but six years isn’t an age to die naturally even if it's due to diabetes & chronic issues caused by it, which was Orio’s case!

First thing is any dog especially the smaller in size needs compassion & care in the form of keeping physical closeness with them which keeps them mentally at peace or say happy & if you are not able to do it, then please don’t keep a dog in your home! As all that such a dog need is, some attention & presence of humans around it or else it becomes sad or gets in depression & ends up becoming irritated & keeps barking on which most people thinks it's hungry & feeds it at such times resulting in over eating & outcome is diseases like diabetes! Another aspect is if a dog is ill then one needs to take more care than any human family member as it can’t tell what’s happening to it & silently suffers from within or keeps barking means more food is fed to stop its barking which acts like a poison! In most families a dog is kept due to children’s wish or demand & later the kids forget about the dog’s basic needs regarding compassion & closeness & other elders think it’s botheration for them & the dog goes into depression!

Well, this doesn’t mean don’t keep a dog, what this means is keeping or adopting a dog is like marrying someone for life & you have to stand by that on all fronts, this I am specifically sharing for the elders in the family, who later puts blame on the children for the efforts required to maintain the dog’s upbringing! Orio’s presence as well as demise has made me learn many things which are an eye opener for our normal relationships with humans as well about our approach to life!  Many will think I am far fetching the subject but I can’t control your thoughts, it's fine as that doesn’t change the facts, right? If you are not responsible with your dog then how do you expect yourself to be responsible & caring towards the people around you as well towards your work? Going a step ahead, even for the people who don't love a dog yet have one in their home, how you treat that dog defines how you will be towards any job in the duty which you don’t like yet it’s part of your duty, right?

And then all a dog wants from you is some time with it, a pat on its back & a treat in the form of a bone or cookie, that also makes it very happy. The same attitude you also can use by yourself while dealing with unpleasantries in life & keep complaining about hundreds of the things which don't go as per your wish & it's you who decide to remain unhappy by ignoring small moments of the happiness which keeps happening all day around us! I think no better lesson can come at such a low fee which a dog is ever ready to teach you, just by its presence around you!

Orio, I will never be able to thank you for your lessons & I am extremely sorry for not being able to spend much time in your classroom man, someday some-where our paths will cross again, till then, keep spreading happiness wherever you are now…


Sanjay, rohit, rohan, nikhil, ketaki & team Sanjeevani



Sanjay Deshpande 

Sanjeevani Dev.

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  1. Please share & comment your views with your email id

  2. Dog is a man's best friend!!! They indeed offer the most unconditional love and attention. One is fortunate if has one in the family. Our Oscar is a pampered one. For our vacations, we always look for places which are pet friendly so the guy tags around. Travel to home town is always by road so that he can also accompany us. Children from the society are most welcome to come and play with him. Glad he helps remove the dog fear from their young minds. Needless to say that his presence is very special for us. May God bless him with great health and long life.

    1. seema mdm, thanks a lot, indeed , your every word stands true!

  3. Emotional like you

    1. anonymous, that's sign of a living being, right?


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