Sunday, January 12, 2025

Hyenas, Wolves, Humans & the Grasslands of Pune!



“When humanity wins its battle against the forests, this victory will be humanity's greatest defeat!”
―…  Mehmet Murat ildan

Turkish Playwright, Novelist & Thinker Mehmet has been always one of the greatest of such kind in our genre & has helped me in many of my recent sharing with his words of wisdom, especially when subject is forest or say nature at large & its fight for survival with none other than the humans i.e. us! Actually after going through writings of many wise people such as Mehmet I myself have understood one thing which he has said in above quote, the battle or fight of forests may be on with humans but this fight humans are not going win ever as the day we will chop down last tree or wipe out last blade of grass that day, our life will be only black & white, rather only black is for sure yet humans never give up the fight is the problem! Rather that's the sole purpose of my such sharings, somewhere someone will also understand & join the bandwagon of stop fighting with forests, but as of now there are very few, so be it, thanks Mehmet!

Now, if dosage of philosophy is too much for you then here is something nice, wonderful, great, amazing news (well some different start) & it’s about forests which meets you in the form of grassland & it’s just 100 km away from our concrete jungle i.e. Pune (though with the chaos on the road even 100km feels like 1000km, sorry, sarcasm)  & thanks to the forest dept with some dedicated men like CCF N.R.Praveen, DCF Mahadev Mohite,  RFO Surywanshi & guard Ganesh Bagde (from forest dept)  , Raju Pawar like locals has for some time won the battle with the forests by joining hand with it & result is awesome! At first glance, all you can see is yellow drying grass everywhere, thorny bushes, barren hills with boulders, some neem trees in backdrop that's all & you think why you woke-up at 3 am in morning, left your cozy comforter, travelled some 100 kms & come here in the first place! As the sun rises in the sky, then you start seeing black & grey striped objects walking in weird ways, in the distant howling of wolves starts & you see wings wandering up in blue sky, welcome to Pune Grasslands, a unique landscape habitat which you won't get to see or feel in any other forests of Maharashtra & home to Hyenas, Gray Indian Wolf, Indian Fox, Chinkara & many birds. Take an example of a Hyena family here, in my more than 30 years of wildlife, hardly once or twice I could click this animal but here in Kadbanwadi I can click them leisurely as they too were in such a mood, a rare sight & many such awaits you!!

Though all this hasn’t happened in some days or months or years but its dedicated persistent efforts of nearly a decade which has made this landscape not only survive but thrive. This entire area which stretches over hundreds of kilometres between south & east side of Pune district is a rain shadow area & that’s actually make it unique on the front of flora & fauna! That way I have been visiting these grasslands for nearly more than decade since when hardly few people knew about their existence or say importance but post Covid effect on wildlife tourism (good way) & thanks to some real interested officers in the grasslands, today this patch of land is slowly becoming dearer to wild animals which makes it dearer to wild lifers. In the morning when I reached at the gate of Kadbanwadi from Indapur side (another gate from Baramati side i.e. Shirsufal), it was heartening to see SUV’s (as normal cars can’t be maneuvered on these tracks) aligned at gate & entry tickets were full! Later while we were waiting at the water-hole, I was more fascinated by seeing the photographers aiming their telephoto lenses outside just a cut-paste scene from tadoba or Kanha, this is what was missing from these grasslands & this will help to make them thrive, is what I felt!

Earlier also animals like Hyena, Wolves, Fox, Jackals, Chinkaras were there along with many birds which you will find only in these habitats but continuous movement of humans inside these lands & outside has made these animals to go in hiding. As most of these animals are shy & nocturnal (only or mostly move in darkness or night) so their sighting is always rare but now with proper system of safari, routes in place as well many patches of land secluded as no human movement zones, slowly the animals are getting comfortable & that’s the reason I could click pack of hyenas, which I have never ever thought that I can some day! Though there is private farming inside & around these grasslands which in one way is a boon then in another way is a curse! Boon because I see wolves & jackals taking shelter in green crops when the grass has dried up & use these shelters for breeding. Same way chinkaras also eat green leaves when there is summer or dryness around as this is a rain shadow region & none of these animals will stay only because you made artificial water holes! At the same time, it's a curse because as these farm lands are private there is always human movement making the animals disturbed & it's not good for tourists. At the same time private farming & forest dept are in loggerhead over the ownership because of undefined boundaries, is one more problem. I think the solution lies in acquiring these lands just the way we have done in project tiger & for that declare these grasslands as Project Wolves! Problem is unlike farmers around the forests in Vidarbha regions, farmers here are rich & with politically strong backing, so to make them understand & shift from these grasslands isn't an easy job but then that’s why govts’ are supposed to do hard jobs, right? And these grassland animals needs their space as they are here since hundreds of years, they can't survive anywhere else, its their owny home! 

Another aspect which of late forest dept has significantly acted in these grasslands very positively is, empowering the locals about wildlife, a success formula of Tadoba as once the locals start loving (read as protecting) the wildlife then, half the war is won! So, the next step is giving professional touch to the wildlife tourism here which includes right vehicles (such as gypsy) as fortunately here there are no big predators such as tigers so safety isn’t that big a problem & we can experiment a bit. At the same time increase routes, timings as when a person spends time to travel here & money then he has to be in the forest for some time which will make him feel worth of what he has spent! And the most important aspect is stay, as all the mammals I mentioned above you get to see in early morning hours & late evening, so one has to have decent stay arrangements around which are missing at present. We can actually use the private lands around the grasslands for resorts or homestays & the forest dept is working on it!

Recently I came across news of weddings being held at such locations & people spending millions on these weddings or events, these grasslands can be a super venue for events, get togethers, gatherings, corporate getaways! Because wildlife is not only about the tigers & leopards & elephants, it’s about the experience of wilderness you get to feel around you. Just imagine, you are sitting out in open, with cool breeze caressing you, sky is clear & star-lit, it's dark around as your city eye-sight is not used to pitch darkness ever & in the distant there is howling of wolves & along with-it cicadas background music & the howling is joined by hideous laughing sound by hyenas; give a shot guys, you won't ever forget this experience! And this will be a real boost to the tourism as well as the entire wildlife in these grasslands, of course without disturbing the harmony of the habitat & that’s what coexistence is about, adios with this note!

Check some moe magic of grasslands at link below & please do share...


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tigers, Tourism, Tourists & High Court!



“Forest is not something which you will understand by sitting in the close classrooms & opening your laptops, it’s a school which teaches via your mere presence in that school” … Me.


Umred Karhandala; Hon High Court Justice sir, please understand wildlife tourism & then judge it...


three days back a video clip came on my cell phone on some group saying a rare sighting of a Tiger with five cubs in Tadoba Forest!! I immediately replied looking at the forest & having a little bit of an update on tadoba that it's not tadoba may be tipeshwar or umred karandhla!!  And then that clip kept coming to me from many people as well as groups with different tags and made lots of viewership on social media!! As usual chaos followed resulting in action on guides, drivers even on tourists & as apex point today, I read a news saying Hon High Court took cognizance on its own and asked the State Forest Head to look into it & give a report!!


Hon Justice sir, with due respect I am not supporting wrong wildlife tourism but please don't draw conclusions about blocking the road of a tiger or tag entire wildlife tourism from one clip is what I will request!! As wildlife tourism can't be judged from some reports or photos or clips on social media but you need to travel extensively in the various forests, understanding of facts & difficulties, people, animals, forests & then draw your judgement, is also I will request!!

Fact is this all started due to wrong (with due respect to court) judgement of Hon Supreme Court itself which reduced wildlife tourism area by 80% making only 20% areas of sanctuary’s' & project tiger open for tourism, add in it, tiger-centric tourism marketing of our own Govts tourism dept (check MTDC advertise about tadoba)!! Outcome is, every person visiting forests wants to see a tiger & your own decision has concentrated all tourists in a limited part of the forests, so think on that!! This doesn't mean all is right & perfect as we can improve on many fronts in wildlife tourism, giving proper infrastructure to Forest dept to proper training & a lot! Will write my detailed view on this but visit forests as a common tourist & not as a VIP & understand wildlife tourism if you have got real concerns for wildlife & then decide as its fate is in your hands only now, (more to come) ...!! धन्यवाघ !!


Above message I posted on some whatsapp groups, which was my immediate reaction (read as frustration) when I opened newspaper today (7 1 25) & read the news about above incidence! Those who are lucky to afford to remain ignorant about such things for them, in a wildlife sanctuary named Umred Karhandala WildLife Sanctuary in Vidarbha region of our State, a tigress which has five tiny cubs supposedly her way was blocked by gypsies' which are used for safari & clip / video of this incidence has gone viral on social media! Most people didn't even bother or care whether the place is in UKWS as the message went under the name of tadoba, reason is, #tadoba gets more views than #ukws so who cares where the incident has happened, just post it, is the trend! Point is not about clip being viral point is about the reaction which is outcome of such clips not just by social media (netizens) but by the system & as usual at the receiving end of stick were people who I wont say totally innocent but surely are not the only culprits, is my subject of sharing (read as frustration)! On top of it, some Hon High Court Justice on own has got a complaint or whatsoever filed & asked the senior most forest officer to look into the matter & give justification in two days (as per news)! With all due respect, in two days what justification the Hon Court expects, that wildlife tourism is wrong & the tigress with her cubs were blocked or harassed & what? Just because one clip gets viral, the entire wildlife protection system you get under scanner, this is why the forest dept & wildlife conservation at large is in mess & this attitude of our entire system (including media) is the main culprit or say obstacle in the wildlife conservation is my accusation with all my senses alive!


Because in the entire world when the tiger's population was on decrease & the species was near extinct not only in our country it survived but the numbers have increased is a fact on record & this was possible only because of the very same forest dept & wildlife tourism! Today, in the villages around tadoba where density of the tigers (numbers of tigers per sq km) are maximum, way above than averages, has Hon Court ever thought why these people residing among the tigers doesn’t hate the tigers but protects them at the cost of their own lives as well that of their cattles, it's only because of right wildlife tourism! They know tiger bachega to paisa milega aur paisa milega to life sudhregi (please translate on google)! And what's their crime, entire family is dependant on a tiger, a boy works in some near by resort, mother cooks meal in some dhaba or hotel, man in the family is either guide or van-majur or driver of gipsy or helper in resort, some family has a small souvenir shop near gate or on the village road & such thousands of people around project tigers survive only because of the presence of the tigers on the tourists which comes to see those tiger! No, Hon Court Sir, I see no wrong as when people spent thousands of rupees to see a tiger as from that money only somewhere even the tiger also makes its living is a fact! High time you must understand this fact about wildlife as because only if you understand & respect this algorithm of wildlife tourism then the entire system will  understand & respect it, that’s the only way you can  protect tiger, is my purpose of sharing!


Coming back to blocking path of a tiger or any animal, that is not right, so find a way & reasons why its happening in the first place! Sir, even in the city like Pune where so called educated & intellectual people live, people doesn’t follow basic traffic rules & these very same people are the tourists which goes to see the tiger in UKWS or tadoba or Melghat & what do you think they must be pressuering to the drivers & the guides of those gipsies, but break the rules & show them the tiger, that’s the problem! Instead of banning or punishing the people in the forests, make these tourists realize why are they visiting forests & what they should not do in the forest & how they will suffer if they pressurise the forest people to break the rules, that's the right way of wildlife tourism, is what expected from you! At the same time with ten thousand traffic police in Pune city alone, they can't manage people breaking traffic rules how you expect with mere some hundred plus staff the forest dept is able to manage thousands of sq km forests & people in them, so beter ask Mai bapp govt to pump money in the forest dept for right infrastructure, that’s is my subject of sharing!


At the same time, high time for all the people related & working for the forest (read as gipsy drivers & guides) that if you succumb to the greed or pressure of your tourists then its your future only is at stake! Imgaine, you are a Ola/ Uber cab driver in the city & however in hurry your client may be, will you jump Railway Gate or Red Signal risking your life, under his or her pressure, No, is the answer, then why in the forest you guys do such things, is the question I will ask to you all! As well, while you are in a safari be very clear why you are doing this, to earn some money we all know but that money will vanish if someday the wildlife tourism itself will get banned, right? Rather  speak less on cell phones in the safari, let the tourists see the tiger & all the wildlife naturally the way it comes to them, that’s more fun, make them understand this aspect of wildlife. And to make such a thing happen, Hon Court, see that forest dept ensures proper training of every person related with the forest. There are many good officers in the forest dept who have given their life & sacrificed family  time for wildlife conservation, our system’s such attitude will demoralise them all & that will be great loss to the wildlife, is my subject of sharing with due respect!

Please understand wildlife, visit the forests as a common tourist, meet people living there & feel their problems & then make judgement about wildlife & tourism here! Oh yes, please do something for the road kills of thousands of wild animals outside the forests instead, nobody does anything about it ever! Rather as I said open up all the forests in the country with right infrastructure & let everybody enjoy the real wildlife, that is the way to conserve this asset which nature has gifted to our country with, & high time for the judicially to do it before it's too late or else not only the tigers but many wonderful species will exist on the social media & in the virtual world only, adios with this warning!


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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Sunday, January 5, 2025

DNP, Beauty of Life in the Sands!




“The rules of survival never change, whether you're in a desert or in an arena” … Bear Grylls

“It’s in the forests you realize, to survive, how less people have”… Me.

Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls OBE is a British adventurer, writer, television presenter and former SAS trooper who is also a survival expert. And when the subject is about desert where survival is the thing around which entire life revolves, the above words from Grylls came to my mind as men like him have experienced living in such surroundings which is life for many! And another is words which came to my mind when I put myself in the position of Grylls though with much more comfort zone (not actually) & fun is mine & Grylls’s words may be bit different but feelings are same & so is the first thought which came to my mind when had my first full sight of DNP, how can people live here! Its December 2nd week & famous winter of North Eastern Rajasthan was knocking on the door, my first ride was in the noon so I didn’t realize the cold much, though I was well aware of it but at 6 am in the morning when I get-up for the safari the only thing I noticed was cold everywhere & from every direction, telling me, welcome to Desert National Park winters! Well, before I share about DNP, let me tell you a bit about it which you won’t find on Google & that is how its ignored by the tourists which were in thousands of numbers just some thirty kilometres away from DNP’s gate or the place where we were staying!

Since long I knew, read about DNP but two things were reframing me from going there, one its bit odd location, thanks to Pune’s weird connectivity with other cities via flight & second my intolerance (or say weakness) with cold. First aspect somehow, we managed by taking a flight from Mumbai to Jaisalmer but second aspect is the best season to visit DNP is winter & Rajasthan may be famous for summer but its winter is equally hard to face, especially in this period of the year i.e. mid December! But I knew if I want to see GIB (Great Indian Bustard) as well feel the real wilderness of DNP then I have to visit the place in winters only, finally the wildlifer in me won (as usual) & I was in the gipsy riding through sands, shrubs, dry grass & cold which I can’t explain!

Two things hit you hard when you enter DNP through Sam village side which is its main entry, its endless expand & the chilling cold! On the surface everything looks dead, covered in the yellow shade of sand & dry grass but slowly as the red orange sun rises in the sky you start seeing rather feeling the life around, that's DNP! The sky is like a canvas of red & orange with flocks of birds painting it with black & grey, music of their chirping fills the air, there is sudden swoosh of wings with an eagle flying up high or a laggar falcon diving down to catch its prey which is invisible to our human eyes & you realize how much alive the deserts can be!
Indeed life is hard in every corner of the world & comfort is for a very lucky few yet in places like DNP where weather also is ruthless in compare to most others places i.e. mercury shifting gears from four degrees to fifty degrees in winter to summer, every day is fight for survival, for humans as well for wildlife! And in such habitat survives some of the most endangered, near extinct species like Great Indian Bustard, Desert Cat, Desert Fox & many such making this desert their home! It's our duty to contribute in every possible way to protect these last breathing habitats which are Homes for the animals who have been keeping these deserts alive by their presence!

As I said life is hard for the animals & birds & its equally hard for the most evolved species i.e. the humans also, with very less sources of income from farming or from domestic animals & extreme weather conditions is worst enemy to confront! I was staying at homestay by Musa khan, with limited resources a moderate stay facility & in that winter at 4 am in morning the boys who were working there used to wakeup & make tea for us, it was so heartening to see that, Ismile was name of one of the boys who worked there & I admire his ever-smiling face in such extreme living conditions & ready to assist all the time!  The problem with such establishments like Musa’s is with uncertainty over the visitors trips they can spend much on upcoming or making the stay place like a resort & as the place is not at part with resorts tourist (may) refrain coming here exception of hardcore wildlifers! My word of advice if Musabhai come across this sharing is, you may not give five-star luxury but toilets & eating place area must to be kept in clean & good condition if you want to promote the place. As well the food must be in tune with city people, a bit subtle on spice front! Yet its people like Musa who dedicatedly are working for the DNP in their own way as its not easy to dare to remain in a profession like wildlife on the dependency of fewer tourist giving up more lucrative way of earning such as focusing on fun or entertainment tourism such as desert safari or make just a relaxing staying place types & full marks to Musa khan & his brother Sikandar who are dedicatedly taking wildlifers in DNP for a long period now! One more advice to all wildlife tour operators, please speak less on mobile with your new booking clients while you are on safari with some customer as not only it disturbs a lot to the real wildlifer but it makes you deviated from the things happening around, as I understand importance of revenue in business but there is way to conduct your business, that’s called professionalism! This thing I have observed with many guides as well drivers, all across the country’s forests as they are too much involved in attending calls for new bookings right in the ongoing safari, not a good thing for the tourists who are with you & wants your attention for which they have paid you, all those concerned who are reading please take note!

Coming back to wildlife at DNP, well, first you don’t see any animal here for which most forests are known in this country i.e. tiger, leopard, rhino, elephant or even some rare monkey! Rather at first sight you don’t see anything but sand, thorny shrubs, dry grass & sky, not even a water body! And as Musa’s expert eyes helped with binocs starts showing you things then you realize the fun of wildlife here! And if there are 3000 plus tigers in the entire country then there are only 200 (yes you read right, two hundred) GIBs’ left in the entire country & maybe in the world which is why DNP is special!  And the tiger is a 300kg weighing, 12ft long animal while GIB is 5 to 6 kg weighing bird with wings & 1/10th of the size of tiger, now you can imagine the hard part in sighting a GIB in comparison to a tiger in the wild! And this too was my one more motivation as to see a GIB before it becomes a Dodo (please google) with due respect for the great efforts by Rajasthan’s Forest dept, yet the threat is not over on these few surviving GIBs here, is a fact! I saw huge windmills & power lines right on the fringe of DNP which is a direct threat to GIB as these are low flying bird & due to their heavy body-weight they can’t fly long & add poor eye sight in these odds & you will realize these power lines along with windmill blades are death traps for GIBs! Joke is, the concerned dept (power or whatsoever) has spent millions & added reflectors on these power lines to divert the GIB & other flying birds through these zones only adding to the misery as the reflecting sun rays cause more confusion in the flight plan of these birds is what locals said. At the same time GIB lays only two or three eggs in a year & on open ground so the eggs are vulnerable to all sorts of damage/ threats making conservation of these birds more difficult! Barring GIB there are many raptors i.e. eagles, falcons, harriers as well grass-land birds, its heaven of birds actually! And there is desert cat, again an endangered species because of loss of habitat as well desert fox & many such!   What I wonder about is, on one side our govt spend huge money & manpower to save species such as GIB & tigers & on the other side the very same govt erects obstacles such as power lines, dams, canals, railway lines, highways & mines right around habitats of these animals, what’s this joke & is our Hon PM going to look in this aspect of conservation where saviour itself is a destroyer of the wildlife!

From DNP’s entry gate Pakistan border is hardly some 50km away, Dhanana is the last village/ settlement on that road where Border Security Force has their check post. I visited that place & gave some goodies to the soldiers at the check post, who were happy to accept & chat but politely declined to have a photograph with us for security reasons, though they allowed us to click our photos at the check post! Beauty of DNP is, it stretches in to Pakistan also & birds, camels & all such species cross the border often making us realize nature has no borders, its we the humans who has created it & suffer because of our own creation; I said adios to DNP with this realization with a promise to visit soon!

Here are some wonderful moments I came across at DNP, you can watch at the link below...


Sanjay Deshpande

Sanjeevani Dev.

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