Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Garbage, City & Adar Poonawalla!



“The scale of the mess (read as garbage) we leave behind is proportionate to the level of respect we have for others.” … Stewart Stafford

Stewart is a gifted writer & author of books like “The Vorbing” & the interesting thing about the good authors is not their command of the words but the way they can connect their feelings with the words, which is why I found Stewart’s above words perfect when the subject of my sharing is garbage! Of late our beloved city (actually entire world) is worried about many fronts such as communal hatred, terrorism, drugs, drinking water, pollution, deforestation, traffic, population growth & pandemic, but in all these aspects one major front which is directly related to every aspect of life we are forgetting. And it's silently growing within our society just the way cancer cells grow inside an apparently healthy-looking body on the surface but when the stage three is crossed the killer disease surfaces suddenly from nowhere & by then all is gone! Same way, while we are fighting with infra fronts which can be seen on the surface & which are outcome of our development which most of us call as growth also but under the cover of this growth there is a silent killer which is very much active & alive in the so-called healthy body of our Smart City & that is none other than the Garbage of which we only are the creator just the way our body only create cancer cells which eventually ends our own life!

If you think I am exaggerating things, then please open your eyes (even if you don’t open them yet you can smell) & look around you while you move in & around this city & tell me what you see! Right from when you step out of your home (read as flat), in the lobbies of the staircase you will find garbage bins with cartons telling you what has been ordered in which flat last night. You step down to the ground floor & at the entry gate you will find bigger dust bins awaiting to be collected by none other than a PMC garbage collection truck & this contains everything from leftover food to interior works thrash to damaged mobile chargers!  Then you look at the wet garbage treatment vermicomposting pits in your complex which are mandatory by PMC by laws & you find they are full with dry leaves of trees in your society & any such thing but wet garbage & are not in operation since the possession of the building! Then you come on the road & see the so-called public garbage bin also overflowing & one need not have to look at the board of “Public Garbage Bin Here” as entire surrounding of that place is covered with every possible piece of garbage & pigs as well stray dogs doing the rest of damage to spread this garbage. If this is not enough then as you start walking you can see (and smell too) thrash laying all along the footpaths & that also contains left over food parcels to empty beer bottles to sanitary napkins (used) & on top of it building material waste. If you go further down out of centre city & bypass then you can actually see small hills of such garbage all along both sides of the road as more the space available for dumping (read as public space) more is the volume of garbage dumped, is the simple formula of garbage accumulation & no village, town or city is exception to this Law of Garbage! And if you don’t see any garbage around you at any of the places I have mentioned, then check your eyesight (nose too) or you are definitely not in Pune or any village or town or city in our State, maybe you are abroad! All those die hard “Maharashtra Lovers”, I am sorry if you got offended with my statement but use your love, affection (& anger for my words) to keep the surrounding garbage free than wasting your time in cursing me, that will help more to our beloved State. I deliberately used the term “Garbage Free” rather than “Clean Surrounding” as our definition of cleaning is, pushing our garbage (read as throwing or dumping) in neighbourhood spaces from where we won’t see or smell our own generated garbage!

Just the way many soft drink companies advertise their drink as Zero Sugar or Zero Calories & we feel happy living a healthy life even while we consume those soft drinks, the same principle we apply to our definition of Cleanliness by throwing away our garbage out of our eye sight! This is why I call the garbage issue as dangerous as cancer. Slowly, somewhere all this accumulated garbage keeps poisoning our environment in every possible form, may it be polluting water sources or degrading soil quality or polluting air with foul gases & we think we are living healthy life with no garbage around to be seen. As well the hips or garbage are actually home of bacteria & viruses via mosquitos & many such insects & on top of it we have the most innovative way of destroying the garbage & that is to burn it, which actually destroys us, the humans more than that garbage! But then why am I wasting my words for the damage the garbage can & is doing to our lives as we know this already, don’t we? Well, why I am wasting my words is sometimes the bitter medicine dosage is needed to give repeatedly as then only its effective the same way I just mentioned our attitude towards this garbage cancer!

Now coming to our standard question when the problem is about providing infrastructure or dealing with public issues like garbage & that is, “what the xxxx the govt is doing about this garbage, don’t we pay our taxes, why we should be dealing with garbage then?”!  Yes, govt is indeed responsible for dealing with the garbage problem & you do pay taxes, thank you for that but the real question is, “who the xxxx creates this garbage & throws it around?” And the answer to this question is, every one of us creates some or other type of garbage but we abandon this garbage just the way some illegal child gets abandoned by its parents (lawaris)! I am sorry guys, for the harsh analogy but that’s the fact about our created garbage as we generate every kind of garbage in every hour of the day but we never take ownership of that garbage, right?  And nobody is taking ownership of the garbage, which is the biggest reason which makes this garbage problem as most dangerous in the ranking of civic or say urbanization infrastructure problems because then everybody just points finger at someone else for taking care of the garbage & it just keeps increasing & damaging us only! And this is why we can’t just blame the govt for not taking care of garbage as govt indeed is responsible but the majority of responsibility for the garbage problem lies on every individual. How can we expect the govt to clean up the mess we have created as we throw our home’s, work place’s garbage in public places at our will without treating or ever segregating it & then we blame govt for the same. We don’t even take efforts to carry the garbage to public garbage bins but prefer to just throw it or dump it along the footpath outside our buildings & we shout in the name of govt that it doesn’t keep the city clean. We worship our god in our homes as well in temples & we throw the earlier days flowers & offerings (prasad) in the river & we name govt for not doing anything regarding rivers getting polluted. We let our industrial/ construction waste dump in the grasslands or hills around & we think the govt will make these lands green & the list of our wrong doings is endless but we point finger to the govt for all such wrongdoings of ours, true hypocrites we are!

Now if you are in tune with what I shared till now about garbage then let’s see what is need of time & need of the time for garbage is everybody should become Adar Poonawalla! If you think I have gone mad, as whenever a cleanliness drive is mentioned people (read as our leaders) take names of Mahatma Gandhi or Gadgebaba (a true social worker) & yes, these names are important but they are past & we just use them for publicity instead following their actions. Now you will ask why Adar Poonawalla, well look around in the city as if you see garbage all around then you will see some garbage collecting vacuum cleaners as well some trucks & men with uniform & all these will have Adar Poonawalla Foundation logo on them, this is why we all need to copy him. Poonawalla are billionaire & apart from making Vaccines they care for their city & has contributed in Crores of rupees to the civic body for taking care of garbage & indeed we may not able to donate in the form of money but we can individually help civic body on two fronts, first is trying to reduce generation of garbage & second is helping in treating (recycle) the self-generated garbage! So, we have to follow the attitude of Adar Poonawalla on the front of the garbage, taking responsibility for the garbage, is what is need of the time!

At local bodies as well as societies, we need to undertake a drive for awareness among every citizen, what & how he or she can contribute against the fight with garbage. On this front I must mention the recent Clean Societies’ Namo Cup (don’t go by name) event where in my locality a political party has arranged a competition for the buildings to make their building clean. Let’s keep the political aspect aside but this is very important initiative, as alone no govt or dept can make & maintain even a ward clean leave apart the city! And just by making laws against throwing garbage, nothing will change, is what we have witnessed though that doesn’t mean remove these laws but awareness & law enforcement should go in hand. At the same time stop collecting wet garbage from the societies’ which have got sanctions with conditions of vermicomposting. Where such a system was not made, make them do it now & make provision of funds in the budget of local, State as well Central budgets for vermicomposting or wet garbage treatment plants & time specified or else fine them with double property tax! At the same time there has to be squads to patrol around to keep an eye on throwing garbage in open or public areas & such people should be punished so heavily that no one should again dare to do so (I am day dreaming, I know). Most important is, continuous awareness programs about garbage problems in schools & colleges, as this is a very effective medium in the long run. On a personal level we must try to apply our mind to reduce the garbage generation & for that first always carrying a cloth carry bag is an easiest & effective way as packaging or using carry bags for every item we buy is the biggest garbage generator. And ordering food which we can consume is another aspect or at least repack it in a good way & give to needy ones. Here the local civic body can think of making leftover food collecting systems & redistributing it to the poor, just a thought & we need many such thoughts!

Do mind, water, traffic, homes, jobs, education, public health these all things we can generate or create but the garbage problem is altogether different because it’s not about generating but about dealing with what we have generated. We are “One Earth” & its round, so whatever we push away, one day will again land in our own backyard (in multiplied volume) & garbage is no exception to this law of physics, adios with this note!


Sanjay Deshpande 

Sanjeevani Dev.

Please view my sharing about real estate in Pune at You Tube link below..


Please do visit my blog links below to read about real estate & home buying!

Creating Togetherness; team Sanjeevani Way (Click link below)

For any of your complaints about city, log in at link below

Take your issues to Hon PM at link below..

Think Green, Think Life /

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Traffic Jams, City & Real Estate!



“Traffic congestion is caused by vehicles, not by people in themselves.”  Jane Jacobs

Once again, it's Jane’s words & once again the topic is about our beloved Smart City i.e., Pune & its recent problem which is traffic! Well, that way a society survives (read as is alive) not because of the good things happening around but the bad things, & this is not some wise person’s quote but my own findings, with which many people can contradict & I am ok with it! As Pune’s first & foremost characteristic is contradiction, may it be about water or garbage or any road from some hill, as unless you don’t put forward your opinion about everything you are not officially declared as a Punekar, so be it! Now, coming to our sharing which by heading itself is very clear i.e., Traffic Jams & the city, this much one can understand & agree but what it has to do with real estate, this can be subject of the contradiction. But let me tell you the focus is about traffic jams & its impact on the city as over all, so let’s focus on this aspect & we can later come to the real estate aspect of it, ok?

That way since beginning i.e., even when this city is called as Pensioner’s Paradise, then also the public transport was never a strong-point of the city as then it was Bicycle’s City, where entire commuting was done with the cycles. But then distances were short & destinations were fewer as even today the Blue Blood Punekar’s (those from Peth areas) proudly used to say the city beyond the river (deccan also) as outskirts, so you can imagine the spread. And this was scene till 1980s’ but post that the scene along with periphery & the skyline of the city started changing rapidly, especially in last two decades the city has exploded practically with no more it’s just Pune but its Pune Region now & if its boon in terms of financial growth of the city then on infrastructure front it was a disaster. Because water was abundant there (thankfully) the only problem was its distribution but even by tankers you can get water. Drainage, well its turn to become a disaster is yet to come, then comes garbage of which the heat is being faced by the unfortunate suburbs like Fursungi (Location of present garbage depot) & the we are used to living with garbage till it’s beyond our sight is a fact. Education & public health fortunately was being shared by the private sector so this front of infrastructure has been taken care of in a much better way than other growing cities. The social as well as cultural infrastructure was always the backbone of Pune & rather it flourished with the development (read as growth, if you want) & the money as well as connoisseurs it got along. All is well but one thing & as the distances & destinations both increased multifold no more the cycles were useful for commuting, so they got replaced by automobiles, two wheelers earlier & four wheelers later. But the only hitch was bicycles never needed fuel nor the space the way these fuel eating (drinking) machines needs & before we realized the disaster has stuck in the form of traffic jams! 

Though as I have mentioned (personal observation), Pune (read as Punekars) was never a city which liked or say favoured public transport as a tool for commuting in & around the city. I know many Punekars won’t agree with my observation or statement but look at the past & the present & speak with as many citizens, & you will find they are happy of comfortable to use their private vehicle for any purpose of travel in the city because that gives them a feeling of in control with their routine. Again, most Punekar will say, because our public transport is useless that’s why we can’t be dependent of it for our daily chores & I thought I won’t contradict with this fact but if our public transport system is useless or can’t be dependant of then we too are responsible for this fact, lets accept it! Because like the “pahale anada ya pahale murgi” phrase, as public transport is bad, we use private vehicles & as we use private vehicles public transport remains bad due to its unprofitability, let’s think from this angle! And the more private vehicles will come on road the more traffic jams will keep happening, is the simple maths of the traffic! And then our attitude towards the law or rules is another aspect of the traffic jams, this I am deliberately putting forward because before blaming any system (read as govt) first retrospect our own approach to the problem & when it comes to following the traffic rules, less we say is better, for Punekars! We jump red signals, we drive in wrong lanes, we take turns as per our mood without any indicator, we stop anywhere on the road & we honk for fun! In short, we break every possible traffic rule & for us driving means just owning vehicle & having a document named licence, we forget that along with these two things there comes responsibility as a driver also, may it be a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler & outcome is traffic jams on every road of the city! And on top of all these, we park our vehicles at any place whenever we feel the need to park, just the way a stray dog pee whenever it feels to pee at any place! This is why I say, the traffic jams we are suffering, one major reason for them is our own attitude towards the term traffic also!

Now, if you have had enough retrospection then let’s come to our favourite part, what the xxxx govt is doing towards traffic jams, is the question we all love to ask but don’t do anything for the answer, right? When we say govt on traffic jam front then it includes mainly PMC (local public body), Police (of course) & Mai Baap i.e., Urban Development dept & yes, we the people. The last part we have discussed already, so, coming to PMC, it has twofold responsibility, one is providing road network infra & second is providing public transport. Unfortunately, in the past & presently, PMC seems to focus only on the earlier part i.e., road infra. Here too, just road making is done but nothing concrete is done on maintaining the purpose the roads have widened apart from the way they have widened, which again is controversial! If by just making more & wider roads we think we will overcome the disaster named traffic jams, then we are the biggest urban fools! And then, we just build roads, wider footpaths & forget to see that they remain in the way we have built, as the roads become parking lots & footpaths become trading centres, this is what we have witnessed all the years! A full time, non-bias, competent authoritative squad is a must for checking every road & footpath & see that they are functional for the purpose they have been built & that squad was & is missing, is the main reason for traffic jams! This squad should be made of PMC-Police joint staff with separate uniforms & powers which they won’t use to harass people but make them fear & respect the traffic system, this is the need if we want to overcome the disaster named traffic jams!

Now coming to another responsibility of PMC & that is public transport; well, do mind, still nearly one million people use everyday day PMPML i.e., city’s public transport system but PMC turns a blind eye when it comes to feed (read as support) its own birth child that is PMPML. And now we have an adopted child named Metro & we think with Metro our entire traffic problems will be solved, no it won’t, unless it’s backed up by proper bus public transport & even the rickshaws along. First reason is, Metro to come in full functioning will take ten more years & the city will burst till then with the vehicles it is having or will have & second be Metro can’t be going to every single road or suburb, but PMPML buses can! We must have proper study of routes as well infrastructure for buses which is missing right now as we don’t have proper routes, bus-stops, time tables & monitoring system, so we don’t have commuters using the public transport system, which is also a fact & main reason for the traffic jams! At the same time the citizens also must understand to use public transport they will have to be a bit patient as it won’t be coming to your door steps & it can’t be run on your time table but you have to be accommodative & a bit disciplined to use public transport, which is in your own benefit in the long run! PMC must take responsibility for PMPML & ensure that it’s been supported on in every need, may it be funding, infra like space as well proper monitoring for the end output i.e., service to its commuters, that will surely help overcoming traffic jams! At the same time Mai Bap of PMC i.e., Urban Development dept must guide (read as force) PMC to make policies which are public transport friendly especially the parking norms. The more parking spaces means the more private vehicles, instead make public parking spaces available for private as well public vehicles & charge for every minute not just for hour!

Lastly, the Police which are seen only in stopping commuters once they jump the red signals that to at the month end, is a bitter fact on Pune roads! We need Police to make people respect & obey traffic rules & focus must be on this aspect which is not happening. How can somebody dare to drive in the wrong lane or jump a red signal or park his vehicle in the middle of a road, have we ever thought this? It's only because we know nothing will happen to us even if we do all of the above, this attitude is the main reason for traffic jams as well road mishaps & police must act on this! 

And here is where real estate comes in the picture on the traffic jam front, as a good city is a place which is preferred by the people to settle down & proper public transport as well less time in commuting is one of the major factors in defining a good city! Many people have been migrating out of cities like Bengaluru only because of the time they have to spend in commuting between their homes & work places & Pune’s real estate should be careful of this aspect. As well, real estate can join hands with PMPML & Metro for coming up with ideas, concepts by which more & more people will use public transport as there only lies the solution for traffic jams! To conclude, all I will say is, regular traffic jams are like warning signs about the health of the city & if we ignore it then as Jane has said in her book, we only will be responsible for the death of our city as we ignored these warning signs, mind it Punekars!


Sanjay Deshpande 

Sanjeevani Dev.

Please view my sharing about real estate in Pune at You Tube link below..


Please do visit my blog links below to read about real estate & home buying!

Creating Togetherness; team Sanjeevani Way (Click link below)

For any of your complaints about city, log in at link below

Take your issues to Hon PM at link below..

Think Green, Think Life /

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sustainable Homes, not a Mirage, but a Reality!


“Sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business” … Anand Mahindra

Anand Gopal Mahindra is an Indian billionaire businessman, and the chairman of Mahindra Group, a Mumbai-based business conglomerate. There are few names barring AA’s i.e., Ambani & Adani which have made their impact on the Indian Industrial World by not just their wealth or contacts but by their ideology about business & Anand Mahindra is sure one such! We all know Mahindra Industries which is in real estate also along with automobile & hospitality & this is why when I have been asked by Govt Polytechnic, Pune team to share my views about sustainable construction in housing, Mr Anand Mahindra’s above words, I found apt to start my sharing. Of-late the term sustainable or sustainability has been used a lot & on the background of World Environment Forums meeting on climate change, in developing countries like ours (all the time developing only but never developed) this term is applicable not just about the environment but on the entire society! Indeed, any development has to be sustainable but then what exactly it means is the major question which most of us must be thinking but never dare to ask or try to find out! Well, about daring to seek the truth or right answer about popular terminologies like “sustainability”, I remembered a folk story, it goes as below…

Once upon a time (I love this start) there lived a King who was famous for his eccentricities (well, that’s what Kings do) & good nature also. He is known to entertain personalities from different fields in his Darbar & even reward them handsomely if they find such men (and women) interesting enough to satisfy his eccentricities. One day a man came to him & claimed that he has a potion which can make the King invisible! The King was super excited & asked the man to demonstrate the potion on the King immediately. The man was clever (one has to be while dealing with the King) & said three conditions will be there on which the King agreed. First condition was this will be one time the King can use the potion in a year. Two, the potion won’t work for the eyes of any person who has evil thoughts for the King & third, the King will replace the bottles of potion he buys from the man with equal volume of gold. The King signed all three conditions & the man was paid in gold but he wasn’t allowed to leave the city unless the King himself got a demonstration on which the man reluctantly agreed. Though he requested the King to announce the second condition about the use of the potion i.e., any person who thinks evil about the King can see the King even when he has consumed the potion! The King announced this to the city & living by his eccentric nature, drank the potion the next morning & went for his morning walk naked, thinking nobody can see him now! Fact was, the entire city can see the King walking naked but everybody kept mum or ignored knowing the second condition, if you can see the King means you think bad about him & you know what will happen to you. The King was super happy that he was invisible though one small kid riding on the shoulders of his father in the crowd, saw the King walking naked & asked his father, why is this man walking naked? On this, hurriedly his father replied, “son, we will take you to the doctor as your eyes are not well”! The King rewarded the man with gold & the man happily left the city for never coming back here as by the time next year King would use the potion again he would have gone away, out of reach of the King!

This is how people look at the term “Sustainability” in their respective business as well in their life in totality as nobody exactly knows what it means yet nobody acknowledges this truth that they don’t know it & how you can follow or adopt something which you don’t know in the first place, right? So, in general the term sustainable means, “involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment.” i.e.

नैसर्गिक साधनसंपत्ती आणि शक्तीचा पर्यावरणास बाधा आणता केलेल्या वापरासंबंधीचे; नैसर्गिक संतुलन टिकवणारे”.!

Now, this leads to another definition & that is of “Environment”. Here, many will smirk or laugh but do mind Environment doesn’t mean just river, hills, trees or sky & if you think I am mad just check how we all usually use the term Environment in our daily life where nature is not involved! “Yaar, I don’t feel like working, environment in the office sucks” or “political Environment in the State is too bad” or take this, “It’s the Environment in the Home which directly affect kid’s mental health” & there are many such fronts where environment is extensively used to define the life or surrounding of a place which can be even a factory or a social organization. This means when we apply sustainability factor to some industry which in our case is real estate or say housing then it must be implacable on all aspects of the housing industry & not just construction part of it, right?


Now, if for those readers who have reached till here by keeping patience, let me tell you there are three apex of triangle named sustainability in real estate & first apex is of course the Nature part which is directly linked with planning as well construction processes of the building or say homes. Here, a lot of R & D & adhering to ground realities as well facts is needed as we can’t actually build anything nature friendly with the existing work processes is a bitter fact. Right from digging the earth for the foundations thus damaging the habitats (homes) of many species such as earthworms to ants & cutting the trees to making concrete from sand & metal & steel, all of which is again created by damaging earth, civil works are bound to hamper nature. All we can do is try to create balance between what we have damaged & what we can give back. Do mind, if a tree is cut means gone forever just like a man is shot means a life is gone, giving birth to another man isn’t going to bring back life of the man who has been shot, same way by planting a new tree, the cut tree isn’t going to grow back, first accept this fact & then define policies about sustainability, is the need of the time! This doesn’t mean we stop building our homes, this means first try to find options to existing construction material & till then try to save or say try to reduce the damage we will be doing to nature while we build our homes. Make urban policies in such a way that people will happily & willingly save nature & not forcefully as that never going work! Take simple example of parking policy in Pune (sorry, as I work in Pune so using it as case study), the more car parks or two-wheeler parks space you will ask for to provide by law in the building, the more trees will be cut because the cars & the trees both need space & if cars are required by law this means trees has to go! And even if you don’t make the car parking space compulsory by law, still if you don’t provide a good public transport system for the citizens commuting, they will buy cars & cut the trees to park these cars. As well you have to plan the city in such a way that people will have to commute minimum for their daily needs & reduce use of the vehicles in the first place as public transport with conventional fuel means pollution & they too need space for parking. And lastly whatever public transport you will be providing, see that it will be less polluting & use green energy & not coal base. This is a sustainable way of making policies & implementing them & this is how we should be looking at real estate if we want to make sustainable homes. And it starts from planning, right from using maximum natural light to water saving taps to using less glass facades, in every aspect of planning & workmanship, this sustainable aspect must be part of the construction of a home. The same principle is applicable for every material used for the construction.


And also, do mind a sustainable home must be effective for its residents too & not just by construction practices or else its high production cost as well maintenance cost will make it non-sustainable for its residents creating financial issues for them! Here, the second apex of the sustainability triangle comes into picture i.e., the user of the product, which in our case is residents of the sustainable homes we build. Here again policies as well awareness factor comes into the picture as however best sustainable home you build but if the residents are not going to make use of it for any reason, then it’s a waste. And this has been happening on many fronts, in my own projects we have provided vermi-composting pits to treat wet garbage but they have become dump yards as the local civic body is picking up the wet garbage & in most cased residents don’t even bother to segregate the wet & dry garbage is a fact! Same is with rain water harvesting or drainage recycling plants, the MSEB (electricity) tariff is so high that the drainage treatment plants prove uneconomical for its running costs. Either the residents must bear the added operating cost of drainage treatment plants to recycle the drainage water or the electricity tariffs should be reduced but we are not doing both and the outcome is again defeat of sustainable development policies! Constant awareness programs are a must as well the developer also should take efforts while building the homes as all things you can expect to be done by the govt! In our projects we plant trees in & around the project at the hands of families residing in that project & make them adopt the respective tree so that they take proper care of it. Do mind in any sustainable activity there must be an ownership feeling of the people involved then only the policy becomes sustainable! The residents in the housing projects also must understand it’s their future also at stake & their role in keeping a development sustainable is most vital!


And lastly, the third apex of the triangle of sustainable development & that is the builder itself, as let’s remember what Anand Mahindra has said, the business also must be sustainable or else there will be homes, buyers but the builder will go to loss, then that still is a non-sustainable development. And I am not saying builders getting in loss means only financially, as a loss is defeat of the purpose for which the product has been built, which in our case is a sustainable home. And for this the govt (read as policy maker) must work hand in hand with the builders as its policies made by the govt will decide the fate of sustainable homes or else it will always be a mirage! The builders must understand the exact definition of sustainability of their product & work to achieve this keeping in mind all three apexes of the triangle. And for that, dear fellow builders, sometimes you may have to lose few rupees from your income to achieve the sustainability but look at the earning part of it as you will be earning future of entire society of which your next generations will also be beneficiary; mind it, even if our Mai-Bapp govt forgets this aspect of sustainability yet you must keep building sustainable homes!


Sanjay Deshpande 

Sanjeevani Dev.

Please view my sharing about real estate in Pune at You Tube link below..


Please do visit my blog links below to read about real estate & home buying!

Creating Togetherness; team Sanjeevani Way (Click link below)

For any of your complaints about city, log in at link below

Take your issues to Hon PM at link below..

Think Green, Think Life /